Are these Pennsylvania Christians wearing hijabs in solidarity with sharia-promoting Muslims?
According to the New York Times, the Church World Service wants Muslim immigrants from the Middle East to feel welcome. And they seem to think: what better way to make them feel welcome than to put on a hijab and head over to the local mosque for feminist fun and adventure!
These ladies, who likely hate Donald Trump for being "sexist," think nothing of wrapping themselves up in an outfit closely associated with some of the worst sharia law has to offer women – the subservience, the second class citizenship, the beatings, the clitorectomies, the sex slavery, and so on.
Now, to be fair, I cannot be 100% certain that the two very fair-skinned blonde ladies in the photo above were born as Christian Americans. Nor can I be certain that they are listening to a religious service at the mosque. Perhaps it is bingo night (though I don't see any bingo cards). Perhaps they are enjoying a local CAIR representative narrating the series premiere of 24. But from the way some of the ladies have their head bowed in obedience, it certainly looks like a religious service. Occam's razor, which posits that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, certainly suggests that these are Christians in name only who are trying to assimilate to Islamic culture. Have they left their Christianity behind, and their religion is now the religion of social justice? They could experience social justice thrills every time a sharia-conforming Muslim is brought here from the Middle East and brings his culture right along with him, knowing that his cause is right and just.
They certainly wouldn't be the first. Witness all the Vermonters rushing to learn Arabic. But it is more than a little appalling that at the same time Christians are having their heads chopped off by Muslims in the Middle East, these Christians are conforming to a culture whose laws many would interpret as subjecting them to the same fate.
That doesn't worry the Church World Service (CWS); what does worry the CWS is if Donald Trump gets his way and stops immigration from high-risk Muslim countries, and if the CWS stops getting money from you, the taxpayer, to bring more Muslims to America. Yes, you are paying for all of it. Surprise!
Over the years, this satellite office of the Church World Service, a nationwide nonprofit that works on contract with the State Department's resettlement program, has helped thousands of refugees find homes in Lancaster, a south-central Pennsylvania city with a reputation for tolerance. Its work has nurtured an ethnic jumble – Somali, Iraqi, Syrian, Congolese, Nepalese – that has diversified the local culture, provided a plentiful work force and, yes, challenged the school system.
I like how our school systems get "challenged." Any idea what that euphemism means?
Ms. Mastropietro explained that a halt to refugee arrivals meant a halt to some federal funding, which meant budget cuts. Some programs would continue for now – employment, citizenship, counseling – but she could maintain only a skeletal staff for the program around which all others revolved: resettlement. She would do her best, but, yes, layoffs.
A skeletal staff? How about a zombie staff, because their mindless attentiveness to bringing sharia adherents here on a conveyor belt is harming our society?
If the CWS workers are so enamored of Islamic culture, let them go to Syria to help people firsthand, as naïve aid worker Kayla Mueller did, spending the remainder of her short life as a sex slave. But don't try to import that hostile, misogynist culture in to America and then tell us you're acting for the good of mankind.
Ed Straker is the senior writer at