Wikipedia deletes its page on The People’s Cube

The American left is jealously guarding its hold on popular culture, well aware that in an open contest of ideas, it loses.  In no realm is control more important than humor.  Scoffing and scorn must be limited to approved targets: white people, heterosexuals, traditional practices, scriptural Christianity, and other occupants of the Basket of Deplorables.  Under no circumstances should progressive shibboleths be exposed to anything but praise and support.

This brings us to Wikipedia, the open-source encyclopedia.  That sire, which often raises money from readers, has just deleted its page on The People’s Cube:

This is the same site whose creator, my friend Oleg Atbashian, created the cartoon that graces today’s home page of this site.

As many AT readers know, Oleg was once an artist in the USSR who was a propaganda worker, producing agitprop on demand.  Having lived with the consequences of progressive ideas, Oleg left and found his way to the United States, where he revels in freedom and applies his talents to many genres, but especially Soviet-style propaganda.  If the right controlled popular culture the way the left does now, he would be a houselhold name humorist.

 Matthew Vadum writes:

This is part of a disturbing trend in the world of social media. Non-leftist views are marginalized, and whenever possible, erased.

This kind of thing happens all the time at Wikipedia, an open-source online encyclopedia. Wikipedia may be fine on non-controversial subjects, like how King Henry VIII treated his wives or Charlemagne’s military campaigns in the Italian peninsula in the 8th century after the birth of Christ.

But digital despots guard pages that deal with political controversies and routinely censor views with which they don’t agree. That’s what happened here — and it’s a perfect illustration of why you should never ever ever donate any money to Wikipedia which has its hand out all the time.

The People’s Cube, naturally, uses the language of Soviet propaganda in describing its banishment to the Wikipedia Memory Hole:

The People's Cube entry has just been purged from Wikipedia. Congratulations, comrades. We are now officially a non-site populated by non-persons sharing non-thoughts and making non-jokes. It makes me feel right at home, back in the Soviet Union, where an invisible hand obstructed any of my efforts to manifest my existence. How liberating. No visibility means no responsibility. Out of sight, out of mind. (snip)

I know it's only Wikipedia and we still have our site, but this is a trend typical of Google and social media, let alone the MSM. 

The Left has become more militant than ever. The Wiki-progs started by vandalizing the TPC page by rewriting and removing the language, claiming that it had been disjointed and confrontational. When our volunteers offered a better version, the Wiki-progs blocked it for a phony "copyright infringement" because my bio was copied from a now defunct website. When that was taken care of, they started claiming that there were no valid references from "reliable third-party sources," while at the same time removing all existing references to sites like the American Thinker and others, because they represented some right-wing fringe. E.g., they removed Thomas Lifson's, Michelle Malkin's, and Rush Limbaugh's quotes about the Cube on that premise.

In other words, their excuses kept changing while the goal to do us harm remained the main focus. It's similar to how the Soviet media treated Solzhenitsyn, turning him into an non-person. If Wikipedia existed back then, these guys ​would have rephrased and deleted everything on Solzhenitsyn's page, reducing it to one line: "Ex-convict, traitor to the Motherland, wrote anti-communist lies." And then, because it failed to establish notability, they would have deleted the page altogether.

Wikipedia’s founder Jimmy Wales ought to think carefully about tying its fate to the American left and discarding its credibility with at least half of the country.

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