Big or small, the Clintons will lie and cheat

The latest scandals swirling around the Clintons truly stagger the imagination.  Take the one involving the Clinton Foundation, for example.  This multi-million-dollar baby has yet to peak in the public consciousness.  When it does, it is slated to be perhaps the greatest stink bomb in American history. 

Although Bill and Hillary Clinton have become fabulously rich off their grifting, they haven't developed the slightest bit of class or polish along the way.  The latest case in point, one that even the New York Times was forced to report on, is how the Clintons renovated their newly bought $1.16-million second home in Chappaqua, New York, without bothering to get any of the required building permits or inspections. 

The Clintons' excuse?  Well, they wanted the work finished before the holidays.

That's understandable, right?  And why should the Clintons be inhibited by building codes and inspections, anyway?  Laws and rules and regulations are for us little people, not them. 

In matters big and small, in the mundane like a house inspection to things critical like national security and government ethics, the Clintons define their own rules.  They always have.  And it's a funny thing about these customized rules; they invariably benefit Bill and Hillary while demeaning everyone else around them and the common good of society.

The presidency is an extremely powerful executive position.  The thought of someone as corrupt and tawdry as Mrs. Clinton in the Oval Office is hard to wrap one's mind around.  Who knows?  For a big enough "donation" to the Clinton Foundation, Putin might get Alaska back.  Or the Clintons might go retail with a one-thousand-dollar donation, any foreigner gets in to stay.  Don't laugh.

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