Oops! Hillary Forgets the Constitution

There is little question that Donald Trump -- shockingly given the calculated release of that old tape -- won the second debate.  Everyone, including his supporters, feared a meltdown but he didn't go there.  That issue was dismissed early on.  It was actually a substantive debate, on Trump's side.  Hillary blathered on every question.  She said the same things she has been saying for over thirty years.  Her eyes rolled, not always in sync, and she regurgitated her usual redistributionist nonsense that will take the nation further down the road to Venezuela status:  make the rich pay their fair share, as if they don't already, blah blah blah.  Her answer on Obamacare was mind-numbingly incomprehensible.  It can't be fixed; it must be repealed.  Trump won.  He made the old tape irrelevant.

The MSM's outrage over that tape is hypocrisy writ large given Bill Clinton's actual predatory behavior and their hardened defense of him at the time:  "sex is a private matter," etc.  The Left went the distance to defend Bill Clinton's truly despicable behavior.  They made him their hero for introducing oral sex to a new generation of children!  Trump's disgusting words came to light via a Bush family member who works for NBC.   Or did, now “suspended” from Today.   Who remembered that tape existed and where?  Bush revenge?

Without going over the entire debate, the  question about the Supreme Court  provided the answer that mattered.  Hillary did not mention the Constitution; it never occurred to her because she has been party to its shredding throughout the Obama administration.  Like Obama, she clearly has contempt for the limitations the Constitution places on the federal government.  Trump promised to appoint justices who, like Scalia, are strict constructionists, who will uphold the Constitution as written.  Only Trump said the word "Constitution"!  Within that document are the solutions to every issue that arises.  It does not need to be adulterated by the leftist notion that it is a living, breathing document that must be bent and twisted, chopped and re-formed, to accommodate modern times.

President Obama has blatantly and with pride not enforced our Constitution.  Nor has he enforced our immigration laws.  He has thoroughly abrogated them.  He is importing immigrants from Central America and the Middle East in huge, un-vetted numbers.  Even if only 5% of the immigrant population is would-be terrorists, we are inviting death and destruction into American communities.  Obama has repressed the free market with his thousands of pages of regulations so that our economy cannot grow.  His implementation of Obamacare has destroyed what was once the finest medical care in the world.  Hillary touts all this as success and promises to build on it when it has all brought the country low:  95 million people out of the labor force, the complete failure of Obamacare, a stagnant economy, and catastrophic debt, the rise in crime that coincides with Obama's disrespect for law enforcement. The killing of our police has become a national pastime and Black Lives Matter, a Soros-funded, Hillary-supported group, publicly advocates killing cops and gets a pass from Obama and the Left.  They have not so tacitly promoted it.  She is pro-leniency with regard to criminals; Trump is the law and order guy.  We need the border control, the law and order guy.

On top of those facts is the overreach of the cultural left that wants a genderless society, genderless bathrooms, a primacy of LGBT demands, the tyranny of political correctness, mandated safe spaces, trigger warnings and all that nonsense.  At some point, even millennials are going to wake up to the calculated indoctrination of their generation.  They will rebel.  They are a tolerant group but they do know the difference between boys and girls.  They are discovering the difference between social justice and a just economy; social justice is all about victimhood and entitlement; a just economy is about self-preservation, independence, and freedom.  They may be indoctrinated but they are not stupid.  Sooner or later they will realize they have been conned.

The American model laid out so brilliantly in the Constitution is what made this nation the most successful nation in the history of mankind.  Let the brilliance, the innovative power of our people loose and life is better for everyone on the planet.  This is what the odd and unexpected candidacy of Donald Trump has brought to the fore.  He is brash, unrestrained, annoying and often reprehensible, but he gets what made this country great -- the promotion of liberty, including entrepreneurial freedom.  Who among conservatives, let alone liberals, ever thought this outrageously unbridled man would ever, in a million years, become a candidate for the President of the US?   Practically no one.  But here we are.  He just won the second debate on substance.  Can he win the election?  Who knows?  But he should, despite all his negatives.  The nation needs to get out of the grip of Beltway elites who only look out for themselves.  The Constitution reigns.

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