What does 'getting weapons of war off our streets' really mean?

Repeating words spoken by President Obama two years ago, Hillary Clinton stated, "I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets," referencing the AR-15 and presumably other semi-automatic rifles labeled "assault weapons" by Democrats.  The court media is also doing its part, expressing the sentiment word for word.

The arguments being put forth in support of banning the AR-15 and similar semi-automatics exist in what is basically a "fact-free" zone.  For one glaring example, the AR-15 and semi-automatics available for civilian purchase that are constantly referred to as military-style and battlefield weapons have never been issued as combat weaponry in any branch of the U.S. military or any other military on the planet – ever!  Importantly, some military have used them for things such as base security (e.g., base guard duty), about which more in a moment.

It escapes commentary that the AR-15 and like semi-automatics are ubiquitous in state and city police (including the NYPD) and county sheriffs' departments and SWAT teams everywhere.  See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

That these law enforcement officer organizations seek to use these weapons to defend life and property, the exact same motivation as that of virtually all civilians purchasers of those weapons (even with dual purpose hunting use), just shows that the LEOs don't recognize that these are just weapons of war suited only for the battlefield!

Some Republican member of Congress should immediately introduce legislation that will:

One, order every non-military federal agency to quickly remove from their service and use any weapons that fit the "assault weapon" description in the expired Clinton-era Assault Weapons Ban.  Weapons of war have no place on our streets!

Two, let every law enforcement agency at state, city, and county levels know that if said agencies also do not quickly remove from service and use any such weapons as previously described, federal monies, aid, and cooperation with the local governing agencies and departments will be cut as punishment until compliance is achieved.  Weapons of war have no place on our streets!

Three, order any military agency that uses such semi-automatic weapons for domestic post/base security to cease doing so, and place any such weapons in lockup, such as in the armory, unless being used for training purposes or being deployed out of the country, as with any and all the other weapons of war.  The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the use of the military for domestic law enforcement, and that, not war, is what guard duty on domestic military bases consists of.  Weapons of war should not be used for domestic security on the streets of our military bases.

Then the Republicans should speak out and vote against the bill, while challenging the Democrats to either do the same or explain to the American people why the Democrats believe that the police and the military on U.S. bases can rightfully use such weapons not for war, but to protect life and property here at home on our streets, but law-abiding citizens must be prevented from doing the exact same thing.

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