Loretta Lynch: White guilt forever; Muslim guilt never

The news is full of reports of that Attorney General Loretta Lynch has ordered that the term "ISIS" be redacted from the DOJ's reports of the statements made by Omar Mateen.  Though Mateen explicitly dedicated his monstrous mass murder to ISIS, Attorney General Lynch said she would not "proclaim" the group by name.  It is a wretched development that the attorney general has sunk to insulting the American people with Pravda talking points.  (Who needs Winston Smith?)

Nobody seems to understand the fundamental reason for her obfuscation.  It is wrongfully attributed to the fact that the administration does not want to take on ISIS in a meaningful way.  This president will never fight Islamic terrorism in a meaningful way.  But it is not so much because he actively supports Islamic terrorism – although he well may.  Rather, he prefers to destroy the sovereignty and standing of America without the bother of crazed Muslims bombing, slicing, or shooting Americans.  He would prefer to continue quietly importing hundreds of thousands of non-white people from countries with virtually no traditions of political freedom without the distraction of Islamic monstrosities popping up all over.  The heart and soul of Obama's worldview, and of the worldview of both black attorneys general he has appointed, are that all hate stems from white racism, and therefore all terrorism is ultimately caused by white racism.

If Islamic violence cannot be attributed to white people, it cannot be attributed to anybody.  White guilt is the only reason why an undistinguished junior senator with a questionable past became president.  White guilt is the only reason Obama, Holder, and now Lynch rose to power.  The alpha and omega of their anti-Americanism is anti-white racism.  They will not name ISIS, less because they are defending Islamic terrorism and more because they are defending their model of hate.

Catherine Engelbrecht's take on Loretta Lynch's virulent anti-white words and interpretation of law is spot-on.  Loretta Lynch will not name ISIS for the same reason she did not name or prosecute any of the criminals from the riots in Ferguson or Baltimore.  She redacted the word "Islamic" – and any intimation of it – from the murderer's own words for the same reason black-on-black crime will always be caused by lax gun laws.  It's so simple: white guilt forever; black guilt, Mexican guilt, Moslem guilt never. 

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