The race is over: Polls show Trump will dominate Super Tuesday

Unless the latest polls are all wrong, the GOP race is already over.  Donald Trump will win big on Super Tuesday and effectively seal the Republication nomination for the 2016 presidential election.

In Tennessee, the latest NBC News/Wall St. Journal poll has Trump at 40%, followed by Ted Cruz at 22%, Marco Rubio at 19%, and Ben Carson (9%) and John Kasich (6%) in single digits.

For Georgia, the same poll has Trump in the lead at 30%, Rubio and Cruz tied at 23%, and Carson and Kasich each at just 9%.

Trump leads at 40% in Virginia according to a CBS News/YouGov poll, with Rubio at 27%, Cruz at 22%, and Kasich 6% and Carson 4% bringing up the rear.

Massachusetts will easily go to Trump.  A Suffolk University poll has Trump at 43% with a massive lead over Rubio (20%), followed by Kasich at 17%, Cruz at only 9%, and Carson with 4%.

A Master Image poll from Alabama has Trump at 36%, Rubio at 19%, Cruz at 12%, Carson at 8%, and Kasich at 7%.  An Opinion Savvy poll puts Trump also at 36%, Rubio at 23%, Cruz at 16%, Carson at 10%, and Kasich at 8%.

The Oklahoman released a poll on Wednesday with Trump in a clear lead at 29%, followed by Rubio (21%), Cruz (20%), Carson (6%), and Kasich (5%).

Vermont will be going for Trump.  A Castleton University poll puts Trump at 32%, well ahead of Rubio (17%), Cruz (11%), Kasich (10%), and Carson (3%).

There is only out-of-date polling in Alaska, Minnesota, Arkansas, and Wyoming, but based on the historical data and trends in other states, it appears Trump will take at least two of these and possibly a clean sweep.

Texas remains a wild card.  Recent polls show Cruz with a commanding lead (averaging 36% to 27%) but Trump sufficiently close to take significant numbers of delegates.

Even if Cruz takes most of the Texas delegates, the polling data is showing that Super Tuesday should be a dominating performance by Trump, ending any realistic hopes of other challengers.