Hillary and her 'white men'

Let me say up front that I don't care if the Democrats are running two "white oldies" who danced to Bobby Vinton at their prom.  Maybe Pat Boone, in the case of Bernie Sanders!  Or maybe a Russian version of "Love Letters in the Sand" for the Vermont socialist.

I don't even care about the skin color of Hillary's advisers, as we learned today:

As Hillary Clinton’s campaign looks to the black vote in South Carolina to fend off  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) momentum, a look at her staff list reveals an exclusively white leadership team mostly comprised of white males. In fact, her top six campaign officials are all white guys.

Perhaps black leaders in South Carolina should take a look at the Clinton 2016 team before making endorsements in the coming days ahead of the February 27 primary. Let’s break it down:

Chairman:  John Podesta

Podesta served as chief of staff in the Bill Clinton White House during the impeachment crisis, and went on to found the left-wing propaganda organ The Center for American Progress. He also started up the lobbying firm The Podesta Group with his brother Tony. Podesta, 67, also happens to be a white male who went to law school at Georgetown.

Campaign manager:  Robby Mook

Mook, like Podesta, is a man of Caucasian descent. Mother Jones recently called Mook “Clinton’s Secret Weapon in Nevada” who “could launch her comeback.” Mook headed Clinton’s 2008 effort in Nevada against Barack Obama. Mook, 36, grew up in Vermont, the son of a Dartmouth professor, and went to college at Columbia.

Chief Strategist:  Joel Benenson

Benenson, 63, serves as Clinton’s chief strategist despite being a white male from New York City. He’s mostly been a corporate consultant and also served as a strategist for Obama in 2008. The impending Clinton staff changes will actually give Benenson more power over the strategy team.

Media Advisor:  Jim Margolis

Another former Obama adviser, Margolis joined Team Clinton last year and is now one of her most senior advisers.

He previously worked for fellow white people 

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), 

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), 

John Kerry and Walter Mondale. White-haired Margolis’ blue eyes are now focused on helping Clinton to overcome the Sanders Surge. When the campaign is over, maybe he’ll finally have some time to help out with Oberlin College alumni events.

Pollsters:  John Anzalone and David Binder

Anzalone is a white man who used to work for Obama in 2008 and has worked with James Carville and Paul Begala. His Clinton campaign teammate David Binder is also a white man.

In addition to these senior staffers, Clinton’s communications team is stunningly white.

We should add that the candidates warming up in the Democrats bullpen, such as V.P. Biden and Secretary Kerry, are white men, too. 

No matter what, a white person will be nominated by the Democrats in 2016.  On the other side, the GOP could nominate a Hispanic.  So much for the party talking up diversity for years.

Again, I don't care, because I judge people by the content of their character and hire them because of their talents.  I don't have a spreadsheet to remind me of how many of this or that color I've surrounded myself with.   

My good parents taught me to look at people and judge them as individuals, not part of some group. 

It looks as if the "gender" and "race" cards have come back to haunt the people who invented them.  

This is happening because life is not good for African-Americans in year 8 of our first African-American president.      

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