No, Rev. Wright, Jesus wasn't a 'Palestinian'; he called his homeland 'Israel'

Rev. Jeremiah Wright made headlines saying at a Washington, D.C. rally that Jesus was a "Palestinian," apparently on the theory that he was born in Palestine.  Journalist Daoud Kuttab said as much, calling Jesus both Jewish and Palestinian: Jewish because his parents were Jewish, Palestinian because his birthplace, Bethlehem, was in Palestine.  Palestinians have been saying this for years, all in the name of peace and open-mindedness as the best motive, but to delegitimize Israel as a Jewish state as the worst motive.

But there's a problem.  I posted this article at AT all the way back in July 2007, in response to this recycled inaccuracy.  The biblical evidence shows that Jesus considered himself an Israelite, because he and the Jewish New Testament authors never called Israel "Palestine."  I looked up every reference, and they always called it "Israel."  To say otherwise is to impose modern geopolitical feuds on the origins of the faith.

James Arlandson has been teaching college for years and has written a supernatural historical fiction about his ancestor and the seventeenth-century real founding of America: Will Clayton: Founder, Quaker, and Demon Breaker.  His website is Live as Free People, which is updated almost daily.

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