Trump flipflops on crucial issue of importing Muslim refugees

Here is, word for word, in context, what Donald Trump said Tuesday about admitting Muslim refugees from the Middle East:

Bill O'Reilly: You know thousands will come to the United States. Now do you object to migrants who are getting out of the Middle East and North Africa coming to the USA?

Trump: I hate the concept of it but on a humanitarian basis with what's happening you have to.

Here is, word for word in context, what Donald Trump said on Wednesday about admitting Muslim refugees from the Middle East:

Hannity: Should we allow any of them [Muslim Middle Eastern refugees] into this country?

Trump: Look, from a humanitarian standpoint I'd love to help but we have our own problems, we have so many problems we have to solve.

On Tuesday Trump said we had to admit them for humanitarian reasons, on Wednesday Trump said we didn't have to admit them for humanitarian reasons.

As I've said before, on the campaign trail it is easy to misspeak. But this is a very fundamental issue and it doesn't look like a slip of the tongue. He clearly said "you have to" in answer to a question about admitting thousands of them. If Trump were to admit large numbers of Muslims to America, we would be importing the intolerant version of Islam that is practiced in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, complete with Sharia law, clitorectomies, and honor killings. And then, of course, there would be the terrorism.

I've voiced my concern about Donald Trump before because he has no history of conservatism; in fact, his history is the direct opposite. Supporters say that he has grown and changed and we should discount every thing he has said before he started running for President. But once again I feel uneasy seeing the leading candidate switch back and forth like this. I'd be a lot more comfortable about believing it was an inadvertant mistake if he had a longer history (yes, like Ted Cruz) of having consistent positions on the issues. But what it looks like is that, for a day, he reverted to the Pre-Presidential Trump who supported Democrats, abortion, Hillary Clinton, and mass amnesty for illegal aliens. I love his fighting spirit, I love what he has done for the debate on illegal aliens, but his lack of a record of conservatism worries me. 

Even Ronald Reagan was not a liberal Democrat six months before he ran for President.

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site

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