The Top 40 Conservative Websites: June 4, 2015 Edition

The weekly top 40 is out.

The big movers this week are the Gateway Pundit, down 7 spots to #39; CNS News, down 6 spots to #35; and Mad World News, up 6 spots to #33.

While still outside the top 40, the Tea Party News Network has been making a recovery in recent weeks and is now back up to #41.

A full list of the 135 sites being monitored and their U.S. website popularity rankings are as follows:

1. Fox News: 46

2. Independent Journal Review: 67

3. Forbes: 71

4. Wall Street Journal: 110

5. Drudge Report: 137

6. Western Journalism: 154

7. New York Post: 245

8. The Blaze: 267

9. Breitbart: 407

10. WorldNetDaily: 490

11. Conservative Tribune: 513

12. Young Conservatives: 620

13. Newsmax: 700

14. Washington Times: 829

15. The Daily Caller: 961

16. Rare: 1,016

17. National Review: 1,097

18. Infowars: 1,137

19. Qpolitical: 1,212

20. Townhall: 1,381

21. Top Right News: 1,468

22. PJ Media: 1,550

23. Investor’s Business Daily: 1,636

24. Hot Air: 1,766

25. Chicks On The Right: 2,173

26. Washington Free Beacon: 2,228

27. Twitchy: 2,252

28. Right Wing News: 2,385

29. Allen West: 2,460

30. Washington Examiner: 2,568

31. The Weekly Standard: 2,593

32. Reason: 2,623

33. Mad World News: 2,719

34. The Federalist Papers Project: 2,723

35. CNS News: 2,753

36. American Thinker: 2,765

37. Free Republic: 2,809

38. Newsbusters: 2,881

39. Gateway Pundit: 2,906

40. Rush Limbaugh Show: 3,402

41. Tea Party News Network: 3,570

42. Buzzpo: 3,571

43. The Daily Signal: 3,802

44. MRC TV: 3,853

45. Heritage Foundation: 4,125

46. Power Line: 4,225

47. Lucianne: 4,280

48. Glenn Beck: 4,393

49. Bizpac Review: 4,737

50. Clash Daily: 4,824

51. National Post: 5,386

52. The Right Scoop: 5,412

53. The Federalist: 5,414

54. Joe For America: 5,532

55. Lew Rockwell: 5,868

56. Tell Me Now: 5,964

57. Truth Revolt: 6,155

58. Louder With Crowder: 6,180

59. Redstate: 6,270

60. Mr. Conservative: 6,397

61. Life News: 6,698

62. Weasel Zippers: 7,192

63. The Conservative Tree House: 7,480

64. Toronto Sun: 7,928

65. LifeSite: 7,981

66. Universal Free Press: 8,110

67. Freedom Outpost: 8,129

68. Pamela Geller: 8,598

69. Down Trend: 8,706

70. Personal Liberty: 8,880

71. Legal Insurrection: 9,090

72. Front Page Magazine: 9,120

73. Shoebat: 9,168

74. First Things: 9,176

75. Three Percenter Nation: 9,308

76. The Libertarian Republic: 9,504

77. Red Flag News: 9,532

78. The American Conservative: 9,724

79. All News Pipeline: 9,852

80. NRA: 9,881

81. Bill O’Reilly: 10,063

82. Watts Up With That?: 10,768

83. Cato Institute: 11,025

84. The Common Sense Show: 11,045

85. Cain TV: 11,081

86. The American Spectator: 11,827

87. The New American: 12,060

88. World Magazine: 12,509

89. Laura Ingraham: 12,641

90. Althouse: 12,896

91. American Enterprise Institute: 13,223

92. Commentary Magazine: 13,882

93. Jihad Watch: 14,164

94. GOPUSA: 14,528

95. Financial Post: 14,918

96. Steyn Online: 15,269

97. Taki’s Magazine: 15,293

98. Patriot Update: 15,733

99. GOP: 16,167

100. Ludwig von Mises Institute: 16,531

101. Human Events: 16,973

102. Ann Coulter: 17,308

103. GOP The Daily Dose: 18,273

104. Michelle Malkin: 18,280

105. Dick Morris: 18,622

106. City Journal: 18,920

107. Mark Levin Show: 19,813

108. Canada Free Press: 20,392

109. The Patriot Post: 21,107

110. Popular Liberty: 22,328

111. The Black Sphere: 22,802

112. VDare: 23,524

113. American Renaissance: 24,182

114. Washington’s Blog: 25,953

115. The American Interest: 26,243

116. Conservapedia: 26,862

117. Pat Dollard: 26,932

118. Family Research Council: 28,645

119. Conservative Review: 34,939

120. Restoring Liberty: 35,099

121. Debbie Schlussel: 36,391

122. Viral Buzz: 36,865

123. Media Research Center: 39,765

124. PJ TV: 40,254

125. Sean Hannity: 46,334

126. Moonbattery: 48,305

127. Doug Ross @ Journal: 62,397

128. Daniel Pipes: 64,524

129. Angry White Dude: 77,944

130. The Rebel: 82,107

131. The Conservative Infidel: 100,966

132. Conservatives for Palin: 103,196

133. Small Dead Animals: 111,656

134. The Pundit Press: 123,473

135. The Liberty Beacon: 169,171

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