Hillary campaign leaks plan to raise 'insane amount of money'

Another anonymous insider is leaking to friendly media the nature of Hillary Clinton’s campaign plans.  David Freedlander of the Daily Beast reveals:

After the announcement comes the deluge.

Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her presidential campaign this weekend, most likely on Sunday, sources in the Clinton operation tell The Daily Beast.

After that, the nascent campaign will embark on a fundraising push that the Clinton camp says will dwarf anything seen in the history of presidential politics.

“They are going to raise in one week what some Republican presidential candidates are going to raise the entire cycle,” said one Clinton aide. (snip)

Regardless of when she announces, the plan, one Clinton insider told The Daily Beast, was to do a massive fundraising push through her website and with allied organizations to raise “an insane amount of money” right out of the starting gate.

A Clinton spokesman did not return a request for comment.

This leak is clearly aimed at discouraging other Democrats from challenging Hillary.  It also echoes what is going on in the GOP nomination race, with Jeb Bush building up a huge money advantage.  As far as the bases of both parties are concerned, this reeks of establishments ramming their choices down the throats of activists.  And just about the only people who would be happy to see another Bush v. Clinton race are those establishment figures who hope to capture the government’s power to enrich themselves.

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