Could Lindsey Graham beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary?

South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham is seriously talking about running for president.  I think he could be a potent competitor to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary.  He has quite a progressive record:

He voted for both of President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominees.

He has a strong record of supporting progressive judges.  That's important to liberal activists.

He backs Loretta Lynch to be attorney general.

Lynch supports President Obama's amnesty order, and Graham supports her.

He believes that climate change is real and that the federal government should do something about it.

Climate change is very important to environmentalists, a key Democratic constituency.

He’s open to a Simpson-Bowles-type approach to rein in big deficits, something that would raise tax revenues.

Responsible Democrats realize that taxes have to be raised to fund the modest operations of the government.

And he was an architect of the comprehensive immigration bill.

Lindsey's bill would give citizenship to millions of migrants who merely forgot to fill out the necessary paperwork when they accidently and unknowingly crossed our borders.  It's an act of love.

Graham also wants to preserve key parts of Obamacare and protect the IRS from right-wing efforts to abolish it.  Graham strongly believes in bipartisanship.

“He realizes in the legislative branch, compromise is a principle you can’t do without,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the president pro tempore, referring to Graham. “That’s a very important thing where some of the others may not have that same attitude.”

In his personal life, Graham has never married, and the closest he has reportedly been to a woman has been standing in the Russell Senate Office Building elevator with Susan Collins.  He has joked about having an affair with gay pop star Ricky Martin, showing that he is affable, with a good sense of humor.  I think he is an honorable man who would never shame the country by fooling around with another man's wife.

Now, one last minor fact about Lindsey Graham: he's technically a Republican, and he is talking about running in the Republican primary.  But that still should not prevent him from also running in the Democratic primary!  With his progressive stances, he could be like Elizabeth Warren in a dress.  Run, Lindsey, run!

This article was produced by, the conservative news site.

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