American Thinker Blog
February 28, 2015
Prominent Putin critic gunned down in MoscowFebruary 28, 2015
House passes one week DHS funding extensionFebruary 28, 2015
What if Putin didn't have Nemtsov killed?February 28, 2015
Obamacare website <em>still</em> not finishedFebruary 28, 2015
Pentagon now says no attack to take Mosul this springFebruary 28, 2015
Why Conservatives Will Miss Mr. SpockFebruary 28, 2015
The Top 40 Conservative Websites: March 2015 EditionFebruary 28, 2015
Three films for March: A farm tale, a fable, and a photogFebruary 28, 2015
Google wants to build dangerous energy wasting, domed cityFebruary 28, 2015
Enough is EnoughFebruary 28, 2015
The Conservative and Progressive Measures of Success, Clearly DefinedFebruary 28, 2015
Islamic State Copycats Coming Soon To A Country Near YouFebruary 28, 2015
The Supreme Court should punt on Same-sex MarriageFebruary 28, 2015
Facebook says 58 gender options aren't enoughFebruary 28, 2015
The Lesson in MSM's Response to RudyFebruary 27, 2015
How to write a compelling illegal alien sob storyFebruary 27, 2015
Why is Hillary Clinton paying women only 72 cents for every dollar she pays men?February 27, 2015
Obama Threatens ICEFebruary 27, 2015
Obama administration to ban bullets; AR-15 targetedFebruary 27, 2015
American blogger hacked to death in BangladeshFebruary 27, 2015
TSA secretly warned of 'catastrophic threat' to aviationFebruary 27, 2015
IG: 'Potential criminal activity' in missing Lerner emailsFebruary 27, 2015
How would you feel if your Nordstrom saleswoman wore a burqa?February 27, 2015
'President Rodriguez' on the way to the White House?February 27, 2015
Winters in Tahoe ain't getting warmerFebruary 27, 2015
The Fine Print of ObamaCareFebruary 27, 2015
Hoodie Marches Honoring Trayvon? Really?February 27, 2015
She Didn't Go Down in Committee, RandFebruary 27, 2015
Madonna's Long Overdue FallFebruary 27, 2015
Please Read the KoranFebruary 26, 2015
Climate scientist being investigated by Congress for not believing in global warming <em>enough</em>February 26, 2015
FCC readies vote on government takeover of internetFebruary 26, 2015
HHS pays Obamacare insurers $3 billion that Congress never authorizedFebruary 26, 2015
Walker Derangement Syndrome appearing in mainstream mediaFebruary 26, 2015
Daily Beast Drops Bombshell about JesuitsFebruary 26, 2015
WashPost: Global warming tides will carry screaming Eskimos out to seaFebruary 26, 2015
Rebutting the Global Zero cultFebruary 26, 2015
How gun control is causing another European HolocaustFebruary 26, 2015
Mc Haji's NavyFebruary 26, 2015
Why should Raúl Castro stop arresting dissidents?February 26, 2015
Obama's Submission to Iranian NukesFebruary 26, 2015
Is Rahm's rebranding fail a warning for Hillary?February 26, 2015
Right-Wing Extremism? Really?February 26, 2015
Paul Clears Big HurdleFebruary 26, 2015
New York State Gives Tipped Workers a 50% Pay RaiseFebruary 25, 2015
Please Support (but don't vote) For Marco Rubio For PresidentFebruary 25, 2015
IMF Economic Projections and Reality: Often Two Very Different ThingsFebruary 25, 2015
When 'Weather' turns to 'Climate'February 25, 2015
CNN's Kohn admits gay 'nature vs. nurture' narrative not settledFebruary 25, 2015
What's the Deal with Trade?February 25, 2015
Will auditing the Federal Reserve 'politicize' it?February 25, 2015
19 years ago: The Cuban government shot down US citizens over The Florida StraitsFebruary 25, 2015
The Mexican and Central American cesspool of infectious diseasesFebruary 25, 2015
Republican Elected Officials Should Emulate Governor Scott WalkerFebruary 25, 2015
Hillary: I should be president because I have lady partsFebruary 25, 2015
New York police commissioner ties NYPD to 'slave-catchers'February 25, 2015
Rahmbo forced into runoff in ChicagoFebruary 25, 2015
IRS to let taxpayers keep cash from Obamacare tax mistakeFebruary 25, 2015
Islamic State in Syria kidnaps at least 150 ChristiansFebruary 25, 2015
As expected, McConnell caves on DHS funding billFebruary 24, 2015
Veterans Affairs secretary lies about his military serviceFebruary 24, 2015
Comcast, Al Sharpton named in $20 <em>billion</em> racial discrimination suitFebruary 24, 2015
McConnell to split DHS funding bill from immigration ordersFebruary 24, 2015
No surprise--staged 'ring of peace' not what it appeared to beFebruary 24, 2015
When Mom changes her mind: Reversing pill abortions in progressFebruary 24, 2015
Black Mr. Gay teaches new guilt theory to liberal white kidsFebruary 24, 2015
Thank you for your service...February 24, 2015
Eurostat database mangles Canada's violent crime statisticsFebruary 24, 2015
Why are so many WI workers not paying union dues?February 24, 2015
NYT spotlights jobs illegals are taking from AmericansFebruary 24, 2015
Is There Anything Science Reporters Don't Know?February 24, 2015
GOP Losing In Polls. So What?February 24, 2015
Fighting the Islamic State one Terrorist at a TimeFebruary 24, 2015
New York AG compels 20 School Districts to eliminate Citizenship RequirementFebruary 24, 2015
John Legend's Spoiled Academy Award SpeechFebruary 23, 2015
Rebutting Snopes on 'Obama's Muslim Gang Sign'February 23, 2015's dishonest attempt at debunking 'Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign'February 23, 2015
Scott Walker a terrifying Christian, apparentlyFebruary 23, 2015
Court enjoins California AG Kamala Harris on First Amendment groundsFebruary 23, 2015
5-day Countdown begins for DHS shutdownFebruary 23, 2015
A different perspective on Hope and ChangeFebruary 23, 2015
The mayor of Jerusalem is hands-onFebruary 23, 2015
What is Russia's real population?February 23, 2015
NYT finds New Yorkers love micro-apartmentsFebruary 23, 2015
It's 'bad etiquette' to thank veterans for their serviceFebruary 23, 2015
Michelle Obama says black kids should keep going to 'bad' schoolsFebruary 23, 2015
Obama's fingerFebruary 23, 2015
A former Virginia governor failed to follow the Clinton modelFebruary 23, 2015
The Clintons are always the ClintonsFebruary 23, 2015
Time for the 'Black Oscars'?February 22, 2015
Minneapolis police officer shot in 'targeted' shootingFebruary 22, 2015
Maybe we should defund Homeland Security after allFebruary 22, 2015
Reformist Muslims were banned from 'White House Conference on Violent Extremism (by nobody in particular)'February 22, 2015
Mall of America under threat from al-ShabaabFebruary 22, 2015
David Axelrod busted on lie about his father's Communist Party membershipFebruary 22, 2015
Who is allowed to insult the candidate's patriotism and love of country?February 22, 2015
Studies In Comparative Theology: Hidden Imam Versus Hidden HeatFebruary 22, 2015
The Real Root Cause of the Unaccompanied Children InfluxFebruary 22, 2015
A Fair QuestionFebruary 22, 2015
Hillary Clinton Investigating self, Reports Shocking DiscoveriesFebruary 22, 2015
Illegal Aliens Unhappy with Shortage of Bilingual DoctorsFebruary 22, 2015
Hussein and Gaddafi Looking Better all the TimeFebruary 22, 2015
Islamic State burns <em>Another</em> 50 Civilians to Death in IraqFebruary 22, 2015
The 'Nixon to China' momentFebruary 21, 2015
Whoopsie: Colorado CIty bomber was not targeting the NAACPFebruary 21, 2015
Scott Walker will sign fast-tracked right-to-work legislation in WisconsinFebruary 21, 2015
Senators demand answers on leak of Mosul operationsFebruary 21, 2015
Will the last host to get fired by MSNBC please turn out the lights?February 21, 2015
When 'debt relief' becomes 'stealing'February 21, 2015
Would you allow yourself to be groped to fight global warming?February 21, 2015
500 Muslims Attend Funeral of Copenhagen JihadistFebruary 21, 2015
Russia rating is officially junkFebruary 21, 2015
How many servings of global warming have you eaten today?February 21, 2015
An extremism parableFebruary 21, 2015
The Devil and the Details of National Carbon Tax ExperimentsFebruary 21, 2015
ObamaCare and those Penalties around the CornerFebruary 21, 2015
800,000 Obamacare consumers sent incorrect tax infoFebruary 20, 2015
Jobs for JihadisFebruary 20, 2015
Emails show Debbie Wasserman-Schultz offering to change her position if major donor stops criticizing herFebruary 20, 2015
Plan to retake Mosul announcedFebruary 20, 2015
Bill Nye and the Gore EffectFebruary 20, 2015
Rudy Giuliani and the one-way tabooFebruary 20, 2015
Oooops! California sends out 100,000 inaccurate Obamacare tax formsFebruary 20, 2015
What Life is Like in DeBlasio's New YorkFebruary 20, 2015
Let's Not Feed Our EnemiesFebruary 20, 2015
Did anybody tell Rep. Pelosi about the hotel that she stayed in Cuba?February 20, 2015
DHS shuns the label 'Islamic' extremists but is okay with 'Christian' extremistsFebruary 20, 2015
Dear Jorge: Do you really want 'Hispanos' to get angry at a judge?February 20, 2015
Harvard Study: Women are Better LegislatorsFebruary 20, 2015
Turkey's Descent into a Crime Epidemic under the Islamist AK PartyFebruary 20, 2015
Two Pleas, Two Dates, Two RefusalsFebruary 19, 2015
Harf: Hey! Don't forget Christian extremistsFebruary 19, 2015
At summit on 'violent extremism' (by nobody in particular) Obama stresses need to placate MuslimsFebruary 19, 2015
Barack Hussein Obama. What's in a Name?February 19, 2015
State Department issues travel warning on IsraelFebruary 19, 2015
Medical recycling and cutting down on crime the ISIS wayFebruary 19, 2015
Hire ISIS - they've got 'Mad Skills'February 19, 2015
Swedish public radio interviewer suggests Jews are responsible for anti-SemitismFebruary 19, 2015
Obama administration attacks Egypt and UAE for ISIS raidsFebruary 19, 2015
NYT: ISIS getting Arab Recruits who are Sexually RepressedFebruary 19, 2015
How to Teach Kids about SocialismFebruary 19, 2015
Let the Climate Hammer Fall in New YorkFebruary 19, 2015
Obama always Knew that the Executive Order Wouldn't FlyFebruary 19, 2015
Why the push for embryo stem cells?February 19, 2015
NYT Won't give up on Bibi AttacksFebruary 19, 2015
22 Mayors Sign Letter Supporting Obama's Immigration ActionsFebruary 18, 2015
Italy fears ISIS invasion from Libya, Muslim refugee 'Trojan Horse'February 18, 2015
Marie Harf ignores the First Law of HolesFebruary 18, 2015
Experts say judge's immigration order may be hard for administration to overturnFebruary 18, 2015
Bad news for warmists: Sun has entered 'weakest solar cycle in a century'February 18, 2015
NBC's fake news is jealous of real newsFebruary 18, 2015
Islamic State burns 45 captives to deathFebruary 18, 2015
Holder the 'Coward' reduxFebruary 18, 2015
What is it with the President and the MB?February 18, 2015
Random terror strikes Detroit, church burns in FloridaFebruary 18, 2015
What if Illegal Aliens were all White People?February 18, 2015
Why Feminists want to be DominatedFebruary 18, 2015
Be Smart about Sending Money to Central AmericaFebruary 18, 2015
Beheadings don't Correlate to Parking RageFebruary 18, 2015
The Answer to ISIS is Midnight BasketballFebruary 18, 2015
Calm the Climate Alarmism in DallasFebruary 17, 2015
China May Join Trade War Against U.S. as Growth Plummets to 1.7%February 17, 2015
Strange Allies in the War on Carbon FuelsFebruary 17, 2015
Snowfall is Increasing in VermontFebruary 17, 2015
The "no go zones" are not listed on the Paris Tourist MapFebruary 17, 2015
The Number One Defender of Our Second Amendment RightsFebruary 17, 2015
San Francisco Debuts Human Waste MapFebruary 17, 2015
State Department spokeswoman says jobs, not killing, the key to defeating ISISFebruary 17, 2015
Federal judge halts Obama amnesty programFebruary 17, 2015
Illegal aliens complaining about life in suburbiaFebruary 17, 2015
Greek debt talks implodeFebruary 17, 2015
President Obama, Our Naked EmperorFebruary 17, 2015
Americans don't think much of Obama's ISIS strategyFebruary 17, 2015
2 fiery train wrecks in 3 days demonstrate the need for Keystone XLFebruary 17, 2015
Michelle's Secret Ski Trip Revealed by a SmashupFebruary 17, 2015
Noah Rothman of Hot Air guests on Moran's showFebruary 16, 2015
Egypt bombs IS in Libya following gruesome beheading of 21 CoptsFebruary 16, 2015
NY Times discovers that Saddam did have WMDs after allFebruary 16, 2015
Two men arrested in Copenhagen tied to terrorist attackFebruary 16, 2015
Boehner: Blame Senate Dems if DHS shuts downFebruary 16, 2015
Obama Administration Plans Major Ammunition BanFebruary 16, 2015
The Netherlands Falls Victim to Violent CrimeFebruary 16, 2015
50 Shades of GAHHFebruary 16, 2015
Netanyahu urges European Jews to emigrate to IsraelFebruary 16, 2015
Kayla Mueller and the Failure of PerspectiveFebruary 16, 2015
How did the Internet Survive so long without .lgbt Domains?February 16, 2015
Of Presidents and PrinciplesFebruary 16, 2015
Florida considering law banning men from Women's BathroomsFebruary 16, 2015
Are the Clintons ready to 'Slime'?February 16, 2015
Finding Newness in Being Old FashionedFebruary 16, 2015
Randomness rampantFebruary 15, 2015
Really bad news for the Chinese Communist PartyFebruary 15, 2015
Hillary's excess baggage penaltyFebruary 15, 2015
Indians call Obama 'Sanctimonious'February 15, 2015
A Little Quiz for Journalists who think they know DarwinFebruary 15, 2015
Hackers score $300 million bank heistFebruary 15, 2015
Outrage in Texas over preferences in UT college admissionsFebruary 15, 2015
Mass confusion in Anbar province as tribal leader says Iraqi army 'hours from collapse'February 15, 2015
Erdogan says, 'Jump!' and Obama asks, 'How high?'February 15, 2015
Random acts of terrorism in CopenhagenFebruary 15, 2015
Theories of race guilt refuted, in one easy lessonFebruary 15, 2015
Islamic State Expanding Rapidly within a Certain Religious GroupFebruary 15, 2015
The Rise of Scandinavia's Anti-Immigration Political PartiesFebruary 15, 2015
A Little Good NewsFebruary 15, 2015
Anti-Mohammad cartoonist target of Copenhagan terror attack?February 15, 2015
"Adios muchacha": It's time for Cristina Fernandez to resignFebruary 14, 2015
Nightmare scenario unfolding for Obama at Ayn al-Assad Air baseFebruary 14, 2015
War authority bill in trouble as both sides register objectionsFebruary 14, 2015
Media welcomes first Bisexual Governor with Open ArmsFebruary 14, 2015
Guns on Campus?February 14, 2015
Jeb Bush blowing away rivals in fundraisingFebruary 14, 2015
Bird conservation group files petition to regulate wind powerFebruary 14, 2015
Chapel Hill murders inspire POTUS to fight IslamophobiaFebruary 14, 2015
Dem mega-donor Steyer caught up in Oregon governor scandalFebruary 14, 2015
Why the Democrats Chose PhiladelphiaFebruary 14, 2015
I don't care what Walker or Hillary think about EvolutionFebruary 14, 2015
A Modest ProposalFebruary 14, 2015
Begging the Question on Scott Walker's EducationFebruary 14, 2015
It's time to pushback on the lies of the Netanyahu speech boycott movementFebruary 14, 2015
Boys Will Not Be Boys If Feminists Have Their WayFebruary 13, 2015
Obama the foolFebruary 13, 2015
Unsettled Science: The return to grace of the eggFebruary 13, 2015
Obama partied with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn last summerFebruary 13, 2015
Immigration loophole will make it ridiculously easy for illegal aliens to register to voteFebruary 13, 2015
Can a black man be charged with a hate crime in Austin, TX?February 13, 2015
Dems urge Oregon governor to resignFebruary 13, 2015
Marquette at the CrossroadsFebruary 13, 2015
The SPLC's Extreme views of 'Extremists'February 13, 2015
Megadrought HysteriaFebruary 13, 2015
$30 million to open an existing lane on a bridge?February 13, 2015
Nazi philosopher spews hate from the graveFebruary 13, 2015
Obama has a Bush rather than ISIS problemFebruary 13, 2015
Soybean HysteriaFebruary 12, 2015
Southern Poverty Law Center issues totally unconvincing apology to Dr. Ben CarsonFebruary 12, 2015
'60 Minutes' correspondent Bob Simon dies in car crashFebruary 12, 2015
Jon Stewart, Democratic FundraiserFebruary 12, 2015
Random thoughts on a 'random attack' by WH press flack Josh EarnestFebruary 12, 2015
Report: US could have rescued ISIS hostages last JuneFebruary 12, 2015
Ukraine ceasefire deal not likely to holdFebruary 12, 2015
Why is Anyone Shocked About Brian Williams Being a Liar?February 12, 2015
Illegal Aliens should go back into the ShadowsFebruary 12, 2015
#MuslimLivesMatterSometimesFebruary 12, 2015
Greece's Long-Term Addiction to High Debt LevelsFebruary 12, 2015
The Chickens are Coming! The Chickens are Coming!February 12, 2015
Argentina, the Dysfunctional NationFebruary 12, 2015
Marquette seeks to fire Conservative ProfessorFebruary 12, 2015
The Third Set of Locks ProjectFebruary 11, 2015
ACLU: Banning Obscene Rap at Parade Is RacistFebruary 11, 2015
Don't look now but Illinois new GOP governor is taking on public employee unionsFebruary 11, 2015
Axelrod reveals that Obama lied about his 'Christian faith'February 11, 2015
Three Muslim students shot execution-style in North CarolinaFebruary 11, 2015
Putting Free Enterprise on Ice in New JerseyFebruary 11, 2015
Administration tries to finesse IS war powers authority billFebruary 11, 2015
Does Brian Williams's incestuous voyeurism trump lying?February 11, 2015
The Real Housewives of ISISFebruary 11, 2015
Out of Desperation, Indian Leftists Uniting?February 11, 2015
NBC News suspends Brian Williams for 6 monthsFebruary 11, 2015
Upcoming Conference: Communist and Islamic Agents of Influence in HollywoodFebruary 11, 2015
John Stuart Mill and the Child License DebateFebruary 11, 2015
Cheers for Alabama and Voters!February 11, 2015
Levels of ThinkingFebruary 10, 2015
University of Texas Dean offers guidelines for politically correct theme partiesFebruary 10, 2015
Williams's tall stories about his Katrina adventures now totally debunkedFebruary 10, 2015
Laying low, Hillary Clinton's campaign is roiled in controversyFebruary 10, 2015
Barack Obama, jihad denierFebruary 10, 2015
PJ Media Washington Editor Bridget Johnson guests on Moran's showFebruary 10, 2015
Administration stonewalling on releasing IRS docsFebruary 10, 2015
Unrandom acts of terrorismFebruary 10, 2015
Where's the Outrage? 'Hands Up' Lie Furthered at GrammysFebruary 10, 2015
More geography problems for ObamaFebruary 10, 2015
The Authoritative Hispanic View of Global WarmingFebruary 10, 2015
California Did Not Just Have Its Driest January on RecordFebruary 10, 2015
Dr. Carson the extremist?February 10, 2015
German Cabinet Minister Plays a Phony Numbers Game on Greenhouse Gasses and Economic GrowthFebruary 10, 2015
Climate Change and the New CominternFebruary 9, 2015
Obama Goes Full PogoFebruary 9, 2015
Chris Kyle is no RacistFebruary 9, 2015
Immigration Rates and Violent Crime in Northwestern Continental EuropeFebruary 9, 2015
Stunning: Bob Woodward alleges Susan Rice micromanaging the generalsFebruary 9, 2015
MSNBC solidifies its standing as the clown version of cable newsFebruary 9, 2015
Did the White House engineer the flap over Bibi's invite?February 9, 2015
Abalysis: DHS shutdown would have 'very limited impact national security'February 9, 2015
Southern Poverty Law Center places Dr. Ben Carson on its extremist watch listFebruary 9, 2015
Greece to reject bailout; wants reparations due from World War IIFebruary 9, 2015
Language police at University of Michigan propagandize at taxpayer expenseFebruary 9, 2015
Control your excitement: Kerry doesn't rule out a presidential bid in 2016February 9, 2015
Obama: Press overstates the threat of terrorism compared to climate changeFebruary 9, 2015
Kerry says no military solution in UkraineFebruary 9, 2015
Stand by for MSM self-immolation in Brian Williams scandalFebruary 9, 2015
Coexist graffiti artist badly beaten by Muslim 'youths'February 8, 2015
Report: 'Wholesale Manipulation of the Temperature Record'February 8, 2015
Who gets shot in Chicago?February 8, 2015
Report: Hostage's family nixed rescue operationFebruary 8, 2015
Ukraine crisis spiraling out of controlFebruary 8, 2015
Qatar website published fatwa permitting the burning of people to death, but removed it after ISIS video of Jordanian pilot's immolationFebruary 8, 2015
As Obama leads from behind, the UK steps forward with Special Forces to rescue downed Jordanian pilotsFebruary 8, 2015
Variety: NBC execs were warned of Williams liesFebruary 8, 2015
Army of 'fact checkers' and 'proof readers' at NY Times fails againFebruary 8, 2015
Williams takes leave of absence from anchor chair; future in doubtFebruary 8, 2015
Steyn on Brian WilliamsFebruary 8, 2015
The Still Small Voice and Environmental ScienceFebruary 8, 2015
Lib Media: 'Kansas is Melting!!!'February 8, 2015
Family Fake-kidnaps own ChildFebruary 8, 2015
Why is the U.S. pressing Cuba to Establish Diplomatic Relations?February 8, 2015
The Self-Contradictory NY <em>Times</em>February 7, 2015
Historian: Obama doesn't know much about the CrusadesFebruary 7, 2015
Fort Hood victims finally to get Purple HeartsFebruary 7, 2015
Woman ordered to stand trial for murder after argument over presidential politicsFebruary 7, 2015
Forget 'lead from behind'; now we have 'strategic patience'February 7, 2015
Brian Williams: It's all about himFebruary 7, 2015
White House reveals names of Muslim 'leaders' president metFebruary 7, 2015
Biden 2016! Seriously?February 7, 2015
Jindal zings Obama on crusades crackFebruary 7, 2015
NBC opens two investigations of Brian WilliamsFebruary 7, 2015
We need a president, not a history teacherFebruary 7, 2015
Did Jordanian air strikes on Islamic State kill American hostage?February 7, 2015
High school student in NJ wins case to keep 'under God' in Pledge of AllegianceFebruary 7, 2015
'Oh, she's going down'February 7, 2015
Stop giving affirmative action to women in Silicon ValleyFebruary 7, 2015
And the next president is...February 6, 2015
Brian Williams owes Bob Woodruff an apologyFebruary 6, 2015
Finally: Sarah Palin, yesFebruary 6, 2015
Univision needs more balance in its editorial boardFebruary 6, 2015
Constitutional senior lecturer-in-chief misunderstands the First AmendmentFebruary 6, 2015
Guess what other liberal lied about being shot at in 2008!February 6, 2015
The Democrats' boycott of NetanyahuFebruary 6, 2015
Report: Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams firedFebruary 6, 2015
Whose history and whose talking points are these?February 6, 2015
A defense of Brian Williams (sort of)February 6, 2015
Marquette University administration looks to fire conservative tenured profFebruary 6, 2015
Brian Williams may have lied about his Katrina experiences tooFebruary 6, 2015
Iranian official: US 'begging us for a deal'February 6, 2015
At IRS, hundreds of fired and reprimanded employees are rehiredFebruary 6, 2015
Will ISIS fall apart from internal struggles?February 5, 2015
Physician, do no harm - except in CanadaFebruary 5, 2015
Jeb Bush: We will lose our liberties if we control the borderFebruary 5, 2015
Maximum one-day snowfalls in the Big Apple are not on the riseFebruary 5, 2015
The problem with 'demographics' is that voters want resultsFebruary 5, 2015
Bill Bennett should know better!February 5, 2015
George Costanza was a better negotiator than Barack ObamaFebruary 5, 2015
Largest newspaper in Oregon calls on Dem governor to resign in green energy scandalsFebruary 5, 2015
Islamic State's war on childrenFebruary 5, 2015
Fox News posts video of Jordanian pilot executionFebruary 5, 2015
Wasserman Schultz goes off the reservation, repudiates Obama position on Islamic terror, attacks MSNBCFebruary 5, 2015
French 'Help Wanted' ad specifies 'if possible, not Jewish'February 5, 2015
Brian Williams should resign for 'conflating'February 5, 2015
Brian Williams's Passive VoiceFebruary 5, 2015
Soon will police be limited to shooting spitballs?February 5, 2015
The time for talk is overFebruary 4, 2015
New scientific review: Plan B causes abortionsFebruary 4, 2015
Dems may boycott Netanyahu speechFebruary 4, 2015
Cost of servicing the debt will hit $800 billion by 2025February 4, 2015
Does ISIS risk blowback, or is there a plan?February 4, 2015
Gallup CEO: Unemployment numbers 'a big lie'February 4, 2015
Jordan executes two terrorists in retaliation for IS butcheryFebruary 4, 2015
Sen. Sessions eloquently calls out Senate DemsFebruary 4, 2015
Scott Walker to U. Wisconsin faculty: Work more than 14 hours a weekFebruary 4, 2015
The night of the living courtiersFebruary 4, 2015
Wanted: Coherent strategy to defeat Islamic State and al-QaedaFebruary 4, 2015
Confessions of a clueless member of the eliteFebruary 4, 2015
The GOP view on hand-washing in restaurantsFebruary 4, 2015
Personal consumption health care spending soaring under ObamacareFebruary 4, 2015
The fatal flaw of global warmingFebruary 4, 2015
Buddy Holly is still making fans 46 years later!February 3, 2015
Dude, where's my 'emerging Democratic majority'?February 3, 2015
Daily Caller's Matt Lewis guests on Moran's showFebruary 3, 2015
The top 10 new taxes in Obama's budgetFebruary 3, 2015
Jindal executive order slams Common Core in LouisianaFebruary 3, 2015
State Department admits it lied about Muslim Brotherhood visitFebruary 3, 2015
<em>Always</em> anti-boy and anti-familyFebruary 3, 2015
Forever more yearsFebruary 3, 2015
Al Sharpton's tax folliesFebruary 3, 2015
Greek PM Tsipras takes a small step back from the brinkFebruary 3, 2015
Rupert Murdoch appears to endorse Jeb Bush and Ben CarsonFebruary 3, 2015
FOIA request reveals 'shadow' work permit system not authorized by law adding millions to labor forceFebruary 3, 2015
New York Times race-baiting on Cuban-AmericansFebruary 3, 2015
Republicans blow it on response to Obama budgetFebruary 3, 2015
Major climate science reporting fail by Minnesota Public RadioFebruary 3, 2015
Dr. Obama's orders: Get the measles vaccineFebruary 3, 2015
What exactly did we talk to Cuba about for 18 months?February 2, 2015
Picture of the dayFebruary 2, 2015
Refinery workers' strike a challenge to ObamaFebruary 2, 2015
New Arab-language TV channel shuts down after interviewing opposition figureFebruary 2, 2015
Hillary's drive for war in Libya armed al-Qaeda-backed rebelsFebruary 2, 2015
'Tax and spend' back with a vengeanceFebruary 2, 2015
Obama vows to reduce income inequality (and economy)February 2, 2015
The left hijacks the Super BowlFebruary 2, 2015
A shared American experience: Super BowlFebruary 2, 2015
Politico high on Rand Paul pot policyFebruary 2, 2015
Manufacturing snow alarmism at British Columbia's ski resortsFebruary 2, 2015
Your dhimmi tax dollars at work: honoring the Saudi kingFebruary 2, 2015
Keeping cameras out of the Supreme CourtFebruary 2, 2015
Politicians as playersFebruary 2, 2015
Another brokered GOP convention?February 2, 2015
No separation between church and state on climate changeFebruary 1, 2015
Hillary's not looking so inevitable, after allFebruary 1, 2015
The top 40 conservative websites: February 2015 editionFebruary 1, 2015
Teen defends his grandma during home invasion, kills intruderFebruary 1, 2015
Obama claims we can afford $74 billion increase in spendingFebruary 1, 2015
Warmists getting angrierFebruary 1, 2015
NFL to air anti-domestic violence ad during Super BowlFebruary 1, 2015
TSA abuses 'secret' designation to hide misconduct by managersFebruary 1, 2015
Japanese hostage executed by Islamic StateFebruary 1, 2015
Why we lost AfghanistanFebruary 1, 2015
Scott Walker leads in new Iowa poll; Bush in troubleFebruary 1, 2015
It's already 'GOP nominee was a bully in high school' seasonFebruary 1, 2015
The New Age Theology of <em>Selma</em>February 1, 2015
Shameful Strategy Against Religious Freedom in GeorgiaFebruary 1, 2015
In defense of 'white and privileged' Cuban-Americans
Recent Articles
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Blog Posts
- Hills to Die On: Democrats know how to pick 'em
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- So where'd America's obesity epidemic come from? Chef Andrew Gruel has a theory ...
- Trump just fired a huge warning shot over Iran’s bow
- Markets respond: Trumpian peace in Russo-Ukrainian war is in the bag
- The time of the hoax
- New York Times goes bipolar on Trump’s border control success
- Mark Kelly decides to offload his Tesla to protest Elon Musk
- The half-million dollar American
- Three things for the U.S. to understand about the Middle East
- Speaker Mike Johnson reveals why the Autopen scandal is a big deal
- The CDC website really needs to update its COVID protocols
- Hands in your back pocket
- Birthright citizenship: The facts
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