Obama can ignore damn near anything

Barack Obama seems able to ignore anything (except maybe a really lousy golf lie in a sand trap) and functions as if only what he desires to have happen actually does happen.

Separated by over four years in time and on two different continents, history has repeated itself.  That alone is fairly newsworthy, but our glorious leader seems to be able to insulate himself to almost anything. 

Of course his terrific speechwriters can quickly generate their usual vapid remarks for the president, to read in soaring tones from TOTUS (the Teleprompter of the United States) that communicate nothing of value to anyone.

Well, on second thought, Mr. Obama actually does communicate something, just not what he intended to.  His tone, posture, phrasing, and facial expressions tell us one thing – he has only contempt for the listeners, and he views all of us with distaste and condescension.

Think back to September 9, 2009.  Washington, D.C.  The Tea Parties march, where the official governmentally authorized count of the marchers in the demonstration against our own government numbered a mere several thousand.

On the other hand, in a show of solidarity with the ideals that reflect freedom of speech and the press, French citizens as well as leaders from some 40 nations marched with a bit more than one million of their compatriots.

Sounds like a huge difference.  In the first case, Obama acted as if he’d never heard of the Tea Party.  In the second, he at least admitted that he’d heard of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, although he never deigned to join the march that protested the Islamic jihadist slaughter. 

You can see at first glance why the president ignored the Tea Party march.  After all, a couple of thousand people doesn’t make much of a dent in a nation of over 300 million.  But, as is often said, seeing is believing.

A “Few” Thousand in Washington - 2009

Over One Million in Paris - 2014

See the big difference?  Funny, I canʼt.  Nor can Obama.  He saw these two demonstrations in exactly the same way.  He saw them as unimportant, so he ignored them both. 

He probably isn’t aware that need is never a one-way street.  For the sake of our nation, let’s hope he is never forced to learn that he may need help.

Jim Yardley is a retired financial controller and a two-tour Vietnam veteran who writes frequently about political idiocy, business and economic idiocy, and American cultural idiocy.  Jim also blogs at http://jimyardley.wordpress.com and can be contacted directly at james.v.yardley@gmail.com.

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