No conservative - no vote
The big question that spawned many pundit opinions after Romney lost the presidential election: what happened to the four million Republican voters who didn’t vote for him?
To be honest, since Bush’s second-term win, there has been a steady decline in Republican voters in presidential elections, but that still doesn’t answer the question.
The blunt answer is that many “conservative” Republicans have grown tired of putting up faux support for RINO presidential candidates. This has turned into a snowball effect and will culminate in an even larger number of conservative Republicans not voting again in 2016 if there is another RINO presidential candidate foisted upon them by establishment Republicans and the liberal media.
The line in the sand has been drawn between conservative Republicans and RINOs, and there will be no more support for RINOs from the conservative side!
Conservative Republicans have decided to stand on their principles rather than hold their noses and vote for another RINO.
And for the record, Mr. Boehner, conservative Republicans can see right through the BS “wink-and-a-nod” speech you made to Obama on the House floor yesterday. It seems that you and your RINO ilk are too stupid to understand that conservative Republicans and the Tea Party couldn’t care less about the presidency; it’s gaining solid conservative control of the House and Senate that is the goal. Have you noticed the numbers growing? Then and only then can every RINO in leadership be dethroned and a true conservative be nominated and elected president!
For the RINOs who still haven’t gotten the message, the mantra of millions of Republicans going into the 2016 presidential election will be:
No conservative – NO VOTE!