Another weird Obama pronunciation

What on earth is an ohbee-guynee? Apparently it is a weird Obamaspeak pronunciation of OB/GYN (pronounced oh-bee-gee-why-en). For the president’s benefit, let me specify that means a doctor who delivers babies and takes care of the lady parts. When President Obama announced the departure of Eric Holder from his position as attorney general, he also mentioned his “good friend,” the AG’s wife, Dr. Sharon Malone, and he called her an “ohbee-guynee.” Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

This joins “corpse-man” and the language “Austrian” among the malapropisms of the holder of two Ivy League degrees.

I have to wonder what kind of conversations they had in the Obama household when Michelle had her two pregnancies and deliveries.  Did they never use the familiar acronym for an obstetrician/gynecologist? Or did they both think it was pronounced ohbeeguynee? If the latter, did Michelle never discuss her OB/GYN with female friends? I have been married to an OB/GYN for decades, and have never heard it pronounced the Obama way. Always oh-bee-gee-why-en.

This is such a downright strange phenomenon, it almost seems as though someone raised in a fantasized USSR training camp for deep cover agents was inserted into the identity of Barack Obama and loosed upon America, a highly trained faux American. But they forgot to teach him the pronunciation of OB/GYN.  Like those WW II movies where the German spy is caught because he doesn't know who Babe Ruth is. Okay that’s ridiculous, the stuff of spy novels. Couldn’t possibly happen.

But how ridiculous is being the father of two girls and not knowing the pronunciation of the kind of doctor who delivered your children?

Hat tip: WeaselZippers and Clarice Feldman

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