Motto of the Obama Administration: A Nation of Cowards

Imagine you consult an attorney with an important case. He says, “I'll accept your case, but I have to tell you at the start, I don't respect you. In fact, you're a coward.” The Obama administration entrusted the most important cases of our nation to an attorney general who held the people he was hired to represent in contempt.

Presidential administrations have mottos. Theodore Roosevelt spoke softly but carried a big stick; John Kennedy pointed to new frontiers and self-sacrifice; Lyndon Johnson spoke of a great society. As Eric Holder departs, in order to recover from his verbal abuse of the American people, his insult needs to be viewed as the motto of the Obama administration.

Racism is a universal limitation of the human mind. Psychologically, Holder's vilification of Americans as “[a] nation of cowards” is a reaction formation against the unique courage and righteousness of the American people in overcoming that limitation. Exploitive rationalizations arise in all intergroup relationships. But in America, the white majority overcame slavery and segregation through incalculable sacrifice – victories that could not have been achieved by any minority. In her unique greatness, America continues to spend her affluence in providing a vast initiative of affirmative action directly against the majority’s own interests, in both the public and private sectors.

The psychology of Eric Holder's ingratitude necessitates capsizing American history. “Nation of cowards” is a summation of the attitude that summarizes the Obama administration view of the American people. That psychology explains why Holder and Obama cling bitterly to anti-white obsessions that are completely divorced from the actual effects of racism in America in 2014, and why they present to the world the imaginary place called “Ferguson.”

The word coward derives from the root coe or tail and refers to turning or tucking tail. Coward is an epithet of extreme anti-masculine contempt. For example, if a woman believes her husband is a coward and will not protect her, their relationship is incurably toxic. The term coward is a “fighting word” among traditional American cultures. Holder chose it as the most insulting term possible against American manhood. He and his sponsors have an investment in believing American manhood will no longer fight for anything.

Holder's anti-masculine appellation, coward, also serves the non-traditional family social transformation. Females generally are not mentally conditioned to prove their physical courage and do not fear being called cowards. For the most powerful law enforcement officer to assert that American men are cowards is a nail in the coffin of traditional marriage and the father-led family structure.

American presidents have urged us to remember Gettysburg, the Maine, and Pearl Harbor. It is equally important to remember the motto of the Obama administration.

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