Our Guy Lost, But the Battle is Not Over

I was alone in a Biloxi Mississippi hotel room when a TV reporter named Cochran the winner over Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel in the extremely close GOP runoff election. Losing is always heartbreaking. And yet, I strangely felt a peace about the situation.

Chris McDaniel was an excellent candidate; good looking, bright, articulate and a bold, strong, rock-solid advocate for conservatism. He has also been blessed with that certain “it factor” which all born leaders possess. McDaniel is only in his early forties. In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, he'll be back! Next time, Chris McDaniel will win!

Patriots, thanks to your support, financial and otherwise, McDaniel had a real shot at winning. The combo of the Tea Party and McDaniel scared the heck out of the GOP which is why they poured tons of money and organizational resources into the race.

After the Dave Brat remarkable upset victory over Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the closeness of this runoff sent a powerful message to the GOP establishment. They MUST deal with us in the Tea Party.

I think one reason for my peace about the situation is knowing that my Conservative Campaign Committee team and I did everything we could possibly do; leaving no cards unturned. We traveled to Biloxi from our various homes across America and set up our war room. We rallied for McDaniel. We produced and ran ads and organized a small army of volunteers to make get-out-the-vote phone calls.

We endured the Mississippi humidity waving McDaniel signs on a street corner. My wife Mary was bitten several times on her feet by ants. So folks, like all of you, we did our part. Beyond that, everything else is in God's hands.

Cochran and his GOP deep-pocket power brokers won this round. But, the battle to send conservatives to DC is far from over.

Mary and I will drive home to Florida; pet Sammy our greyhound and maybe spend a day at our favorite beach. Then, we will focus on helping Tea Party candidate Joe Carr for U.S. Senate in Tennessee. I hope we visit Nashville!


Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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