Bad timing for the Christie scandal?

Historically, the Democrat-media complex prefers that the GOP commit to a presidential nominee before bringing out the high caliber ammunition. But in the case of Christ Christie, the Dems are intent on destroying the New Jersey governor in plenty of time for Republicans to find a new standard bearer.

Probably, it was no choice at all, but dictated by circumstances. New Jersey Democrats were hot to investigate the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge, and a (Democrat) state's attorney investigation was launched. Once the smoking gun emails were discovered, keeping them under wraps was difficult. And postponing a prosecution for two-plus years until after the nomination would have been impractical.

It is noteworthy that the Bergen County Record was given the scoop, not the usual New York Times. Jersey pride? Probably. But the Times, which consciously plays politics at the national level, would have preferred to wait, no doubt, if at all possible.

Governor Christie has plenty of enemies in his own party. Conservatives resent his embrace of President Obama following Super storm Sandy, the Romney campaign still remembers his lukewarm (at best) role, and many are uneasy that he may be a RINO. Although instinctively rallying around one of our own under attack by our mutual enemies, many conservatives are quietly relieved that the prospect of another non-conservative nominee is diminished.

Still, Christie is probably the potential GOP standard-bearer most-feared by Hillary Clinton and the Democrat-media establishment. His proven ability to win independents and Democrats is particularly worrisome if the Democrat standard-bearer is a brittle, shrill, unlikable person like Hillary, who cannot take criticism with any grace.

If no evidence implicates Christie with direct knowledge of the bridge revenge closure plan, his performance yesterday will serve him well, and this scandal will be forgotten by 2016. His forthright apologies and swift firings contrast vividly with the failure of Obama to act in the face if his various scandals, and of Hillary's failure to confront the Benghazi scandal with meaningful apologies and action. What doesn't kill his political career only makes him stronger.

Hat tip: Cliff Their and Rick Moran


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