'Security flaws' will be the straw that breaks ObamaCare's back

It may be time to call for the Little League "mercy rule" because this is getting ugly to watch.  This is not just a blemish on the Obama administration but our country is really looking bad.   

Let's check the last two items from the front pages:

1) The lady who was "hailed" as an ObamaCare success story is now another ObamaCare problem.   She can't afford her premiums. We hear that she got the wrong "premium info" when she went in for a quote.  My guess is that she is not the only one.

2) We learned that there are serious security flaws on the website:

"A respected security expert will warn Congress on Tuesday that the Obama administration's healthcare website has security flaws that put user data at a "critical risk," despite recent government assurances the data is safe. 

"There are actual live vulnerabilities on the site now," David Kennedy, head of computer security consulting firm TrustedSec LLC, told Reuters ahead of his testimony at a Congressional hearing on the topic "Is My Data on HealthCare.gov Secure?" 

Kennedy, a former U.S. Marine Corps cyber-intelligence analyst, said his firm has prepared a 17-page report describing some of the problems. It does not go into specifics in some areas, he said, because that could provide criminals with a blueprint for launching attacks. 

"There is a lot of stuff that we are not publicly disclosing because of the criticality of the findings," he said. "We don't want to hurt people." 

Kennedy and other security experts have warned that vulnerabilities on the site pose risks to the security of user data since shortly after its October 1 launch."

Bad quotes and security flaws add up to one thing:  Pull the plug!

Shut down ObamaCare before more Americans are hurt or have their privacy compromised.

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