Records of Christine O'Donnell tax snooping disappear

The Washington Times is reporting that computer records showing how often Delaware state officials accessed former GOP Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell's tax records were probably destroyed.

The revelations to Sen. Chuck Grassley's office came Tuesday as the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration, the government's chief watchdog for the Internal Revenue Service, formally reopened its investigation into the matter by re-interviewing Ms. O'Donnell.

"It is an active investigation now," Ms. O'Donnell told The Washington Times after meeting with the same Treasury agent who first informed her in January that her tax records were improperly accessed.

She declined to be more specific about what the agent questioned her about in Tuesday's session.

But Mr. Grassley, an Iowa Republican who serves on the Judiciary and Finance committees, said he was concerned by the information Delaware state officials shared with his investigators.

Specifically, Mr. Grassley's staff was told that a Delaware state investigator asked for and received permission from his boss on a Saturday to access Ms. O'Donnell's tax records based on a local newspaper article about a civil lien. The lien, it turned, out was issued erroneously.

Mr. Grassley said he was concerned that a simple newspaper article that alleged no criminal wrongdoing could be used to pierce one of America's most protected privacies, tax information.

He is pressing for more information on what safeguards the IRS is using to stop such snooping and whether the system used by Delaware state officials may amount to an unmonitored back door into confidential IRS tax records.

"The state says it looked at Ms. O'Donnell's federal records because of a newspaper article describing a federal tax lien against her," Mr. Grassley said. "Does the state look at every taxpayer who faces a federal lien or only those who happen to appear in a newspaper article? Is it routine for a state employee to email his boss about looking at a taxpayer's records on a Saturday, when the article appeared? It's hard to evaluate what happened in the O'Donnell case without answering these questions, and I'll continue to work to get more information."

I had no idea state government employees could access anyone's IRS information. Can other states do it? If so, no one's privacy is safe with these arrogant bureaucrats.

Did Delaware officials share O'Donnell's info with anyone? The press? With Democrats? There had to have been a reason besides idle curiosity why they did it. Let's hope Grassley can get to the bottom of it.

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