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July 15, 2013
Obama's Reasons for the Martin/Zimmerman Hype
In a rare statement, one that clearly stated the real goals of our present administration, Mr. Obama states that since George Zimmerman escaped justice, then the fault had to be with a society that allows a man like George Zimmerman to possess a gun.
"We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin."
Lets take this apart just a little. "...ask ourselves if we're we doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence..." is a clear statement, the implication is that "we" are not. But who is "we"? What can "we" do? He is not asking people to be more circumspect in the use of guns or the handling of a suspicious person. He is not asking for people, in their daily lives, to make a change in their attitudes. The statement is clearly about what society can do, and Obama sees himself as the leader of society/government.
He refers to a "tide" which means the problem is getting worse, as a tide "comes in". This provides a sense of urgency and added responsibility, for himself and Congress.
He reinforces this with "..ask ourselves as individuals and a society..." clearly talking not about individual action, but government action.
"...how can we prevent future tragedies...that's a job for all of us...".
Prevent. This is a key word. You cannot prevent a gun from being used without preventing the gun from being possessed. Any other action does not prevent, it helps reduce the possibility. Use of the word "prevent" is very presumptuous. It places the entire fault for this incident on the gun.
A job for all of us, not just him, but also for those now have Trayvon's blood on their hands, anyone who doesn't see gun control as the entire problem with our society.
It is impossible to read this as the message it was trying to be, an appeal to society to change. The real solution to these problems is to change the attitudes of people away from confrontational, racist, and disrespectful attitudes so prevalent today. The way to do this is clearly through an appeal to people's better instincts. Dare I mention religion?
But the most telling thing in this statement is that it places no possibility of blame on Trayvon. He is an innocent victim in our President's eyes, just walking down the street minding his own business and gunned down for no reason at all.
Attitude is clearly the real cause of this incident. Zimmerman's attitude, Trayvon's attitude and following that the attitude of the media and those politicians and notables who seek to gain from the incident.
Had the shooting been the other way around, this would not even be a story.
It is a sad commentary on our society that this incident happened in the first place. Why do we have so much tension, so much crime and such attitudes, not only at Trayvon's and George's level, but at levels as high as the Senate and the White House?
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