Huma stonewalls Senator's inquiry

Huma Abedin, the photogenic aide to Hillary Clinton with strong family connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, married to New York City mayoral candidate and sexting devotee Anthony Weiner, is back in the news.

Dan Friedman of the New York Daily News writes:

Huma Abedin, the wife Democratic mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, has blown off a top senator seeking details on her unusual employment deal last year.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), wrote Abedin and the State Department last month demanding details by June 27 on a part-time job that Abedin held while serving as a top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton....

Geoff Earle of the New York Post reported last month:

The couple hauled in as much as $350,000 in outside income on top of Abedin's $135,000 government salary after Weiner quit Congress amid a sexting scandal.

Abedin, who served as Clinton's deputy chief of staff when Clinton was secretary of state, later became a "special government employee" who was able to haul in cash as a private contractor.

The change in status came to light only last month. Abedin took on the new assignment after she gave birth to son Jordan and began working from New York.

One of the clients she did consulting work for while on the government payroll was Teneo Holdings, a consulting firm founded by Bill Clinton aide Doug Band.

This stinks to high heaven. It sounds like a subpoena may be in order from a House committee.

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