Delivering Illinois
It appears there are some masterful political theatrics and undercurrents in Illinois that will provide a power realignment.
The Madigan family and its power hold on Illinois is about to meet some stiff head winds. An arrangement that could only be created by a fiction writer with a vivid imagination, State Speaker of the House Mike Madigan has had his daughter, Lisa, as the State's Attorney General. What this arrangement could provide, or not provide, is up to the reader's imagination.
Enter former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He remarkably saunters into the Chicago mayoral position vacated by the Daly family in whose control it was for 5 decades.
Now enter Bill Daly, brother of the recent mayor. Bill is also a former Obama Chief of Staff. Bill has announced he wishes to be the next governor.
Now suddenly Mike Madigan, the man who allegedly holds the power reins in the State, has a scandal of sorts, the kind of scandal a federal prosecutor might find interesting. An Obama appointed federal prosecutor would have a special interest in any misdeeds by the Madigan family. A federal prosecution, or even the threat of a prosecution could clear the way for the former chiefs of staff to serve the State of Illinois in 'greater capacities".
This may be a welcome end to the "daddy daughter dance" that has been Illinois politics for years. Who the new dance partners will be seems pretty certain. I guess this is what a one party system looks like.
Bruce Johnson