6 in 10 Americans favor 20-week abortion ban

A poll taken by Huffington Post reveals an overwhelming majority of Americans supporting a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. This isn't much of a surprise. But those who "strongly favor" the ban outnumber those who "strongly oppose" by a 2-1 margin.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards can't tell the difference between what Kermit Gosnell was doing and late term abortions.

Weekly Standard:

THE WEEKLY STANDARD: [Supporters of late-term abortion bans] say there's not much of a difference between what Kermit Gosnell did outside the womb to a baby at 23 weeks and a legal late-term abortion [performed] at 23 weeks on that same baby. What is the difference between those two?

CECILE RICHARDS: I mean he was a criminal. And he's now going to jail. As I think you heard Senator Franken say and many women who have written about their own personal stories, it is very rare for a woman to need to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks. And quite often it's stories like one we heard today where there is the decision of the doctor that this is the best way, the best for a woman. And the problem is when you have politicians begin to play doctor and make decisions about women's medical care. They aren't in that woman's situation. 

TWS: But there has been research out of, I think, University of California-San Francisco about non-medical late-term abortions. These things do happen, even if they're a small number. I'm talking about that specific area. I mean if there were broader exceptions, would you--

AIDE TO CECILE RICHARDS: I know you're in a rush, so I can follow up to get you some more information.

TWS: Are there any legal limits you do support on abortion, Ms. Richards? 

Though there was plenty of time for Richards to answer the questions as she walked toward a U.S. Senate office building, she remained silent after her aide tried to cut off questioning.

The president of Planned Parenthood isn't the only prominent pro-choice advocate unable to explain why it should be legal to abort a healthy baby 23 weeks into pregnancy but illegal to kill that same baby after birth. In June, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was unable to answer the question when asked multiple times. "As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this," she said.

In the wake of the Gosnell trial, writers from across the political spectrum have argued that there isn't a significant difference between late-term abortion and the Gosnell murders. "The real reason [Pelosi] avoided the question is because there is no good answer," wrote Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker.

The Democrats have morphed into abortion fanatics, taking a fringe position on a moral question that most Americans disagree with. Even some pro-choice advocates in the Texas Senate supported the ban recently passed there.

Allah believes that, "The party's run by abortion fanatics, so much so that they'd rather cop to their fanaticism through tacit acknowledgment than lie about it to look 'mainstream.'" So true. What they are hiding, however, is the idea that eventually, they would like abortion to be legal right up to the point of a live birth - and perhaps beyond. That's the next great frontier in the abortion debate.

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