Kaitlyn Hunt, Gay Heroine

In all that's been said so far about the Florida Juliet & Juliet uproar, very little has been heard concerning the fact that it's a near-perfect example of a left-wing propaganda effort (gay-rights division).

The story as widely circulated goes like this: Kaitlyn Hunt, a charming, attractive seventeen-year-old lesbian, a "femme" in subcultural terminology, became enamored with a fourteen-year-old schoolmate. In the midst of a bout of puppy love, they incited the hostility of the younger girl's parents, a pair of "religious fanatics" implacably opposed to all things natural and healthy. Since the lovers were both minors, the sneaky parents waited until Hunt turned eighteen and then swore out a complaint against her. Police arrested her on charges of "lewd and lascivious battery" on a minor child. Although offered a relatively mild plea bargain, she turned it down, and is now facing fifteen years of postgraduate lesbian studies as a guest of the state of Florida.

That's the popular narrative, as circulated by the legacy media. But as with many such narratives, this one starts to unravel as soon as the actual facts are accessed. The New York Times, long the nation's gay paper, has in either in a fit of absence of mind or nostalgia for classic journalistic practice published the actual arrest report. A cursory glimpse reveals that Ms. Hunt was eighteen in her first encounter with the younger girl, and not a minor at all. The girl's parents did not "wait" to spring the police on her. That first encounter took place in the romantic confines of a stall in a girl's school bathroom. The younger girl then ran away from home andcrashed, as we used to say, with Ms. Hunt (whether the two girls planned this together remains speculation, though it seems likely). The night's activities, according to the report, including use of a vibrator.

Now, there's plenty here to cause any normal parent to want to unleash the full force of the law. But the most egregious is the fact that the juvenile girl was a virgin when she encountered Ms. Hunt. In other words, the girl was deflowered by Kaitlyn's Whee! machine. At this point, religious fanaticism of any sort becomes irrelevant, taking a back seat to the natural fury generated by protective instinct. Ms. Hunt is fortunate that she's only facing the criminal justice system.

It also becomes impossible to deny that Ms. Hunt, for all her charm, is a sexual predator. A capable lawyer should have jumped at that plea deal. Why didn't this occur?

A likely explanation is that Hunt is being advised by the gay community. Why gays would want consent laws overthrown is not in question. Youth is a commodity in the gay world, a pearl of great price. For gays, both male and female, it's the younger the better. Skeptics should recall Kevin Jennings, Obama's "bullying" czar, expressing shock when it was pointed out that he himself had broken the law by not reporting that an older man was sexually exploiting a student under his guardianship. The idea never occurred to him.

This attitude is not alien to lesbians either. Recall Paula Poundstone's contretemps of a decade ago, or the fact that Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues at one time contained a passage involving a 13-year-old girl being seduced by an older woman. Ensler characterized this as a "good rape," presumably because it introduced the character to the romance and grandeur of the gay lifestyle.

Gays view consent laws to be imposition on their way of life, to be discarded with the rest of the constraints of heterosexual life.

A major irony lies in the fact that this is taking place in Florida, long the Western world's pedophile capital. At times it seems that every other week the Sunshine state produces news of one more rape, murder, or ravaging of a child. Who can forget the surveillance tape showing eleven-year-old Carlie Brucia being dragged off to her death by a crack addict?

If by some chance gays do succeed in demolishing the consent laws, along with the legal structure intended to safeguard the nation's children, they will be giving a green light to predators exactly like that one -- something else we will owe to the rainbow crowd.

I have long been convinced that the seemingly invincible steamroller of the "gay rights" movement will be brought to a screeching halt when people become aware of what it means for their children. This seamy underside has been carefully hidden by gay activists such as Jennings with the cooperation of our honest media. The Hunt case may well represent a crack in that façade.

As for Kaitlyn Hunt herself, the most wrenching part of the arrest report deals with records of a phone call in which her fourteen-year-old inamorata begs for reassurance that she actually means something to Hunt, that she's not simply a throwaway sex toy. Words like these have always gone a long way to instill a sense of responsibility, compassion, and decency in oversexed boys, transforming them into companions worthy of mature women. We can hope they do the same for Ms. Hunt. She's certainly not going to learn it from the gay world.

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