Duped by the Saudi Regime
Even Bill O'Reilly, who thinks President Obama should stop messing around and call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, thinks that the Saudis are a "friendly" Muslim nation. In his recent interview with Bob Beckel, who wants to cut off student visas for Muslim nations for two years, O'Reilly insisted that there are US friendly Muslim nations and counted the Saudis as a prime example - especially in regard to their intelligence sharing operations with the US in tracking Islamic terrorists.
True. The Saudis do track terrorists and have kicked out the Muslim Brotherhood from setting up shop in their country. This report from the Carnegie Endowment covers Saudi "cooperation" with the US in fighting terrorism. The joker in that deck is that the terrorists of interest to the Saudis generally turnout to be a threat to the Saudi royal family. They are either Shia (the Saudis are Sunni) or Sunni/Wahhabi terrorists who think the Saudi regime is not the hard-line Islamists they should be.
However, while the Saudi Royal family has "cooperated" with US intelligence agencies, they have at the same time, as this report from Money Jihad shows, long been a financial supporter of jihadist movements worldwide including financial support for radical Mosques and Imams. In fact, money supporting jihadist movements in North Caucasus (think Chechnya, Boston Bombers) traces back to Saudi Arabia and Osama bin Laden. Moreover, they continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood - they just don't want them in the neighborhood.
With friends like the Saudis you don't need enemies.