Dems block Senate resolution honoring Thatcher

This is beyond petty. It is ignorant. A hold has been placed on a resolution honoring Margaret Thatcher in the Senate which, as Katherine Rosario explains, is an insult:

A Senate resolution to honor Lady Thatcher was supposed to pass last night.  However, per well placed sources on the Hill, Democrats have a hold on the resolution.

To refuse to honor a woman of such great historical and political significance, who was deeply loyal to the United States, is petty and shameful.  One truly has to wonder, what is it about Lady Thatcher that gives them pause?  Her unfaltering commitment to freedom?  Or perhaps the way she fought for individual liberty and limited government?

The House used traditional bereavement procedures, the same model they used for John F. Kennedy.  It's a simple, solemn means of honoring the individual by passing a resolution and immediately adjourning.  Similarly, Great Britain's House of Commons was recalled, bringing members of Parliament back from vacation to honor Lady Thatcher.

Those actions were a fitting response to the death of one of the world's greatest post-World War II leaders.

Do the Democrats believe they can alter history by ignoring it? Evidently, yes. The Democrats' action in refusing to allow the resolution to come to the floor, and then adjourning as sign of respect for the dead, is loutish behavior. It is pure pique, not policy. They are aping the behavior of their counterparts in the Labor Party in Great Britain who have shamed themselves by dancing on the grave of Mrs. Thatcher.

Get the resolution passed - and then reveal which Democrat put a hold on it. Such courage in hiding behind the skirts of procedure should be rewarded.

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