Barry butches up with comment on California AG

During his two day flurry of fundraising in Northern California, the President of the United States took it upon himself  (and allow to be released to the public - not all of his fundraising comments make it to the masses) to praise the attractiveness of Kamala Harris, California Attorney General:

...according to a transcript provided by the White House, he referred to Harris' good looks when he introduced her at an Atherton fundraiser at the home of philanthropist John Goldman, a Levi Strauss heir, and his wife Marcia:

"You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she is exactly what you'd want in anybody who is administering the law, and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake," said Obama. "She also happens to be by far the best-looking attorney general in the country -- Kamala Harris is here.  (Applause.)  It's true.  Come on.  (Laughter.)  And she is a great friend and has just been a great supporter for many, many years."

The remark, predictably, generated a little of what Allahpundit called a 'Blue on blue food fight." I suspect that was the intention. The president's image as a manly man took a beating when he missed 20 of 22 basketball shots, all recorded on video. So doing the hubba-hubba bit on a reasonably attractive left wing, multi-racial (Tamil-Jamaican-Caucasian) public official is a good way to butch up.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama apparently accidentally called herself a "busy single mother" the very same day her husband was making his comments on womanflesh on the opposite coast.

I am far from outraged that a man would notice that a woman is attractive. But I do think the president has seriously slighted Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who is, in my book, way hotter than Ms. Harris. But tastes do vary, and the president is entitled to his opinion.

If the public discussion is all about a mild controversy in which the president looks manly and the feminists go a little Sister Soljah on him, that is a good distraction from the continued shrinkage in the number of employed people and the labor force. The "fundamental change" continues apace.

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