Security team pulled out of Libya in August

The blundering boobs at the State Department recalled a 16-man security team in August just as the Libyan diplomats were asking for more security, not less.


CBS News has learned that congressional investigators have issued a subpoena to a former top security official at the US mission in Libya. The official is Lt. Col. Andy Wood, a Utah National Guard Army Green Beret who headed up a Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya.

The subpoena compels Lt. Col. Wood to appear at a House Oversight Committee hearing next week that will examine security decisions leading up to the Sept. 11 Muslim extremist terror assault on the U.S. compound at Benghazi. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues were killed in the attack.

Lt. Col. Wood has told CBS News and congressional investigators that his 16-member team and a six-member State Department elite force called a Mobile Security Deployment team left Libya in August, just one month before the Benghazi assault. Wood says that's despite the fact that US officials in Libya wanted security increased, not decreased.

Wood says he met daily with Stevens and that security was a constant challenge. There were 13 threats or attacks on western diplomats and officials in Libya in the six months leading up to the September 11 attack.

A senior State Department official told CBS News that half of the 13 incidents before September 11 were fairly minor or routine in nature, and that the Benghazi attack was so lethal and overwhelming, that a diplomatic post would not be able to repel it.

That "senior State Department official" should be fired. Is he actually saying that 16 Green Berets would not have been able to fight off a few terrorists? Note also, "minor or routine" incidents. So I guess its ok because 5 or 6 incidents prior to 9/11 were routine and could be ignored? What about the other 5 or 6 that weren't so routine? Why were those incidents not enough to sound the alarm?

The next debate will be on foreign policy. Watch as Obama fobs off questions about the consulate attack and death of our ambassador by using the same line the State Department is using; we don't want to comment on an ongoing FBI investigation.

Rep. Issa's committee won't take that kind of nonsense.

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