'The most extraordinary moment of the convention'

Byron York is right.

Many critics say the Romney campaign needs to do more to "humanize" the candidate. What those critics might want to do is watch the Oparowski story and ask if they themselves could ever be as human, and humane, as Mitt Romney.

Romney's concern over and care for a 14 year old terminal cancer patient that was highlighted in the introductory film of the candidate, was, indeed, an extraordinary moment. And if you can watch that segment and not cry like a baby, you are made of sterner stuff than this old cynical RINO:

David Oparowski's cancer was terminal.  During one visit, Mrs. Oparowski recalled, "David, knowing Mitt had gone to law school at Harvard, asked Mitt if he would help him write a will.  He had some prize possessions that he wanted to make sure were given to his closest friends and family.  The next time Mitt went to the hospital, he was equipped with his yellow legal pad and pen.  Together, they made David's will.  That is a task that no child should ever have to do.  But it gave David peace of mind.  So after David's death, we were able to give his skateboard, his model rockets, and his fishing gear to his best friends.  He also made it clear that his brother Peter should get his Ruger .22 rifle.  How many men do you know who would take the time out of their busy lives to visit a terminally ill 14 year old and help him settle his affairs?"

"David also helped us plan his funeral," Pat Oparowski continued.  "He wanted to be buried in his Boy Scout uniform.  He wanted Mitt to pronounce his eulogy, and Mitt was there to honor that request.  We will be ever grateful to Mitt for his love and concern."

It was an extraordinary story, seldom mentioned in the press, and it left many in the hall in tears.  "You cannot measure a man's character based on the words he utters before adoring crowds during times that are happy," said Ted Oparowski.  "The true measure of a man is revealed in his actions during times of trouble - the quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters."

I don't care what this means in a political sense. Mitt Romney is a good and decent man regardless of what anyone says about his tenure at Bain, his wealth, his taxes, or how he treated his dog. There is a core of - perhaps the best word is godliness - to the man that supercedes any cartoon caricature painted by his enemies.

It's a shame every voter won't know about this moment. It might not change their minds about voting for Romney but it would give them context that is sorely lacking now.

(Watch related American Thinker Video selection: "Extraordinary Story from the Convention")

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