Border patrol agents incensed at Obama DREAM policy

This is pretty incredible. The union representing border patrol agents is castigating the Obama administration over the exploitation of the president's new DREAM policy by some illegal immigrants.

Fox News:

Union heads representing thousands of America's immigration agents slammed the Obama administration Thursday over a policy they claim is forcing officials to ignore the law and allowing illegal immigrants to exploit the system. 

In a startling allegation, the president of the union representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers claimed illegal immigrants are "taking advantage" of a new directive allowing some undocumented residents who came to the U.S. as children to stay in the country. Union boss Chris Crane said the policy ends up allowing illegal immigrants to avoid detention without any proof -- particularly so-called "dreamers," or those illegal immigrants who would benefit under the "DREAM Act" proposal, which Congress has not passed but the administration  has partially implemented. 

"Prosecutorial discretion for dreamers is solely based on the individual's claims. Our orders are if an alien says they went to high school, then let them go," he said at a press conference with GOP senators. "Officers have been told that there is no burden for the alien to prove anything. ... At this point we don't even know why DHS has criteria at all, as there is no requirement or burden to prove anything on the part of the alien. 

"We believe that significant numbers of people who are not dreamers are taking advantage of this practice to avoid arrest," he said. 

Crane cited one case in which, he said, an immigrant facing criminal charges was let go under the policy. Further, he complained that officers are "under threat of losing their jobs" if they defy the policy. 

Lose their jobs for doing their jobs? Amazing. If anything shows that this policy is politically driven, its how the administration is implementing it. It's clear that the Obama administration is pandering to the radical open borders crowd with this policy and to put those brave men and women who place their lives on the line every time they go to work in such an untenable position is simply unconscionable.

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