Team Obama's latest exploding cigar
It is hard to understand how anyone at the White House thought it was a good idea to insert a reference to Barack Obama into items about previous presidents on the official White House website. My first thought was that it was a parody, a stunt intended to satirize Obama's rampant egotism. Alas, this is real, an actual self-mocking gesture. So easy to ridicule. What's next? Erecting gigantic portraits of Obama in public spaces?
Another gaffe by the Obama team, in a season of exploding cigars. Andrew Malcolm of Investor's Business Daily:
...faced with the apparently frightening possibility of losing his reelection bid, Barack Obama has inserted himself into the online White House bios of almost every president in the last nine decades. To somehow share and compare their achievements. At one point Obama even draws his wife into the biographical additions.
Imagine the emotional insecurities of a grown man who would have henchman find and gratuitously insert even the faintest link between this 44th president and almost every president back to Calvin Coolidge --"On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people.....President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls."
I would love to know who thought-up this idea. Who approved it? The obvious suspect is Barack Obama himself. It is such a spectacularly bad idea that members of the White House staff who saw how egotistical it looks had to bite their tongues. But I am not sure that the president sweats the details. There are the NBA playoffs to watch, after all. So maybe it was someone who messes around with the details. If this was a Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett project, opposition could be equally fatal. My hunch is that it is Val-Jar.