Russia threatens attack if missile shield deal can't be reached

Maybe we should try hitting that "Restart" button again.

Fox News:

Russia's top military officer has threatened to carry out a pre-emptive strike on U.S.-led NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe if Washington goes ahead with its controversial plan to build a missile shield.

President Dmitry Medvedev said last year that Russia will retaliate militarily if it does not reach an agreement with the United States and NATO on the missile defense system.

Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov went even further Thursday. "A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens," he said at an international conference attended by senior U.S. and NATO officials.

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov also warned on Thursday that talks between Moscow and Washington on the topic are "close to a dead end."

U.S. missile defense plans in Europe have been one of the touchiest subjects in U.S.-Russian relations for years.

Moscow rejects Washington's claim that the missile defense plan is solely to deal with any Iranian missile threat and has voiced fears it will eventually become powerful enough to undermine Russia's nuclear deterrent. Moscow has proposed running the missile shield jointly with NATO, but the alliance has rejected that proposal.

Makarov's statement on Thursday doesn't seem to imply an immediate threat, but aims to put extra pressure on Washington to agree to Russia's demands.

This is just bullying and bluster. Putin thinks he can pressure Russia's former vassals in Eastern Europe to remain naked against any future Russian aggression. The anti-missile sites do not threaten Russia's deterrent in the slightest. Moscow could overwhelm them easily with a barrage, although a single warhead or two might have trouble reaching its target. But that has nothing to do with Russia's overall deterrent and Putin knows it.

Nothing will be done until next year due to presidential politics in this country. But if Putin thinks he's going to get a better deal from Romney - someone who has supported missile defense - he is going to be disappointed.

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