Planned Parenthood creates $1.5 million ad fund for Obama

It will be the third time in their history they've endorsed a presidential candidate and Planned Parenthood is going to make the best of it.

Daily Caller:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund argues that Romney is "out of touch" with women because, they claim, he wants to deny women access to birth control, health care, abortions and equal pay.

"The attack on women's health over the past 18 months have been unprecedented, and as a result, a network of more than 6 million supporters - a network that has grown by 1.5 million people in the past year alone - is standing ready to fight for women's health," said Richards. "Unlike President Obama, what Mitt Romney doesn't seem to understand is that women's health issues are economic issues for women and families. The fact that Mitt Romney doesn't understand that shows just how out of touch and wrong for women he really is."

In April, when the National Right to Life endorsed Romney they labeled Obama "the country's most pro-abortion president."

"On pro-life issues, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama provide a stark contrast. As the country's most pro-abortion president, Barack Obama has pursued a radical pro-abortion agenda," said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. "It is now time for pro-life Americans to unite behind Mitt Romney. For the sake of unborn children, the disabled, and the elderly, we must win."

Equating "women's health" with access to contraception and abortion is curious. Are the ladies saying that pregnancy is a disease? I suppose they are, at least in a metaphorical way. I doubt if too many women will agree with them, which leads one to believe they may do more harm than good - from their point of view - by raising their profile in the campaign.
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