National Dems tiptoe away from Walker recall race

National Democrats - Obama included - are acting as if Wisconsin is on another planet these days. "Recall? What Recall?" they're telling their union friends who are livid that the national party has failed to support their increasingily quixotic effort to unseat Scott Walker on June 5.

The Hill:

Top union officials are lashing out at Washington Democrats, claiming they haven't done enough to help them unseat Gov. Scott Walker (R) in Wisconsin's recall election.

President Obama has been silent on the race since his campaign released a statement endorsing Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) immediately after his primary victory two weeks ago. The Obama campaign is helping Barrett with get out the vote operations, but the president has not publicly mentioned the race.

The Democratic National Committee has been similarly tight-fisted. The DNC sent out a fundraising email for Barrett and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) will be in Wisconsin for a fundraiser next week, but the national party has refused entreaties to give the state party money.

The election is on June 5, ten days away.

International Association of Fire Fighters President Harold Schaitberger, acknowledged the DNC's help on the ground but said a major cash investment would have been worth a lot more.

"I'm very disappointed that the DNC has not seen fit to make a dollar investment," Schaitberger said. "When you're facing $25 million or more in super-PAC funds, you need money. The campaign needed funds to get up on the air to fight back. ... I think that would have been a good investment going into November."

Polls suggest that Walker is slowly pulling away from the hapless Barrett, who continues to shoot himself in the foot. Faking crime stats, failing to attend the memorial service for police officers, a listless effort that has drawn criticism from big labor who wants Barrett to breathe fire and brimstone when criticizing Walker's reform of collective bargaining for state employees.

Barrett appears a competent enough mayor but also looks like he's out of his depth in this campaign. If trends continue, Walker may win in a walk.

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