Jon Corzine still bundling cash for Obama

Maybe he thinks Obama will pardon him if he wins a second term. And even if he's never indicted, the sleaze oozing from this guy would fill up the tidal basin.

Daniel Halper:

Barack Obama's reelection campaign has released the most recent list of names of fundraising bundlers. On that list is Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and embattled money man, the former head of MF Global.

Corzine, according to the Obama campaign, has once again helped raise more than $500,000. 

(He was likewise named a bundler in January, when the Obama campaign last released the names of their money men.)

"MF Global and its brokerage sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a $6.3 billion bet on the bonds of some of Europe's most indebted nations prompted regulator concerns and a credit rating downgrade. Corzine quit MF Global Nov. 4," Bloomberg reported

As ABC reported, "President Obama once hailed [Corzine] as an 'honorable man' and one of his 'best partners' in the White House." Since that time, Obama has tried to distance himself from Corzine, who at one point was considered for the treasury secretary slot. (HT: Hot Air)

Investigators are still trying to untangle the mess that Corzine is responsible for. Client money was mixed in with company money - a big no-no - and there's still about $1.2 billion that is simply "missing."

Hard to choose who would have been a worse Secretary of the Treasury. It's probably just as well Geithner got the job rather than Corzine since we would have had to double the guard at the mint if the former NJ governor was in charge.

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