GOP leadership drops the ball on Fast and Furious

When it comes to gun walking and mass murder, top House Republicans act as if their party lost the midterm elections.

Tea party patriots are justifiably frustrated over House Speaker John Boehner's and young guns Majority Leader Eric Cantor's and Majority Whip  Kevin McCarthy's weak-kneed response to Operation Fast and Furious.

While the Left whips up scandals over a Georgetown law student's inability to locate the nearest Target to purchase a $9 month's supply of birth control pills, Boehner and company prefer the less vocal approach when it comes to slain agents Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata.

Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, appearing on Fox News yesterday called out the GOP leaders for their tepid response to the Fast and Furious scandal.

The Republican leadership were just kind of sitting there, and that's really a pretty accurate story.

Well, here's my question: if you're not going to pick a fight with the president, especially when you've got an issue like this Fast & Furious operation... if you're not going to pick a fight with the president when it's something that's really really important, what are you doing there?"

Alfred Hernandez, a spokesperson for the Bakersfield Tea Party suggested Boehner has Cantor on a "short leash" when it comes to speaking out about Fast and Furious.

Colleen Owens, a Tea Party activist in Cantor's Virginia district with the Central Virginia Tea Party, wonders why Republicans who won an overwhelming mandate in 2010 to fight against this kind of corruption don't make a lot more noise. She pointed out that Democrats would be out for political blood if Republicans had initiated a program leading to the murders of federal agents and hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Nobody can get to the bottom of this except Congress, and it's [Cantor's] responsibility as a leader in the House of Representatives to help make that happen," said Owens, who emphasized that she is not a spokesperson for the group.

I'm not sure why Republican leadership is not doing more on this, but I don't think they will unless they hear from enough people asking about it. If this was George W. Bush's administration, Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership would not be so passive about this."

None of the top Republican leaders have signed onto a resolution signed by 100 House members expressing a lack of confidence in the Attorney General. The findings of Chairman Issa's Oversight committee indicate:

  • Holder lied to Congress,
  • the DOJ intimidated and outed whistleblowers,
  • top officials wrote fake cover-up letters
  • field agents repeatedly went to superiors to voice their opposition to letting guns walk without interdiction straight into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

 Boehner, McCarthy and Cantor have remained relatively unmoved by the mountain of evidence.

Tea Party voters are demanding these milquetoast career politicians to grow a spine or they'll be out along with Obama in 2012. How about appointing a special prosecutor to go after Holder? How about daily press conferences on Fast and Furious? If the left can push a non-scandal like Fluke 24/7 why can't the GOP push for justice?

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report

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