Wall Street protests go global

The professional European left has been itching to get in on the Occupy Wall Street Action. Today, they got their chance.


Anti-capitalist protesters rallied globally on Saturday, denouncing bankers and politicians over the international economic crisis, with violence rocking Rome where cars were torched and bank windows smashed.

Galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement, protests began in New Zealand, touched parts of Asia, spread to Europe, and resumed at their starting point in New York with 5,000 marchers decrying corporate greed and economic inequality.

After weeks of intense media coverage, the size of the U.S. protests have been smaller than G20 meetings or political conventions have yielded in recent years. Such events often draw tens of thousands of demonstrators.

The demonstrations by the disaffected coincided with the Group of 20 meeting in Paris, where finance ministers and central bankers from major economies were holding talks on the debt and deficit crises afflicting many Western countries.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has gathered steam for a month, culminating with the global day of action. It remains unclear what momentum the movement, which has been driven by social media, has beyond Saturday.

It's been almost exactly a month since the OWS protests began -- and the best they can do is get 5,000 measly protestors to a march in New York city on a Saturday??

What "momentum" is the author of this article talking about? The numbers are falling. As the drumbeat from the media has increased, the actual number of bodies who are supporting this "movement" hasn't grown very much. In many OWS venues across the country, they number in the dozens.

The Guardian reports there were 1,000 protestors at St. Paul's cathedral - on a Saturday in one of the largest cities in the world? The only way these guys would represent the "99%" is if there are only 1,010 citizens in the UK.

A global temper tantrum by adults with the emotional maturity of five year olds does not a protest movement make.

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