EPA Administrator confirms no water contamination from fracking

It is close to an article of faith on the left that any hydrocarbon-based source of energy must cause severe pollution problems. The extraordinary benefits to America from cheap natural gas released by the fracking technique have been fought with ginned-up propaganda about purported water pollution.

But yesterday, under oath, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson admitted that there have been no (as in zero) instances of ground water contamination from fracking, despite the propaganda that has convinced many progressives that fracking is a devil's bargain. Watch the video in which Jackson states:  "I'm not aware of any proven case where the fracking process itself has affected water, although there are investigations ongoing."

Ed Lasky has written of the forces aligned against cheap natural gas. The global warming scam can still be used against natural gas, which does produce CO2 (just as we all do when we breathe). But other than CO2, combustion of natural gas produces water vapor, but no SO2, no mercury, really no pollution to speak of at all. And America has centuries' worth of natural gas, easily accessed. It is our economic ace in the hole, a resource lacking in China, Japan, Europe, and our other economic rivals.

Hat tip: Hot Air

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