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April 26, 2011
More Crony Philanthropy
"Prince of Pork" Hal Rogers (R-KY), who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, is very charitable with your money.
Politico writes about how the liberal organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) reported that since 2000 Rogers has channeled $236 million to nonprofits affiliated with Rogers.
According to Politico, "Rogers' family members, current and former aides, donors and business associates have benefited personally from the congressman's largesse with federal dollars."
Politicians and statist "charity" regulators regularly criticize and attempt to punish charities whose costs of fundraising are high. Yet it's relatively easy for incumbents to raise money for the own campaigns, while charities that don't accept taxpayer funding struggle to raise money.
Politicians and statist "charity" regulators regularly criticize and attempt to punish charities whose costs of fundraising are high. Yet it's relatively easy for incumbents to raise money for the own campaigns, while charities that don't accept taxpayer funding struggle to raise money.
This nonsense has to stop. It's bad enough that taxpayer money goes to organizations that promote leftwing agendas. Politicians who create charities then funnel your money to them without your consent are no better than thieves.