Idiot global warming fanatics blame earthquake on climate change
I remember after the Indonesia earthquake and Tsunami that some moonbat liberals over at Democratic Underground blamed the catastrophe on the US, claiming we had invented an earthquake machine and Tsunami generator to kill the brown people of the world.
That was topped by one of the posters on the thread (long since deleted) that global warming was the cause of the quake. It seems that Gaia was so distraught because we were ignoring the problem that she caused the quake to remind us who's in charge on planet earth.
This was topped by a report last year - generated by climate change scientists - that because the ice sheets of the world were melting, the earth's crust "bounced back" from the weight being lifted and this causes more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
That's right - they are saying that global warming causes earthquakes.
Some poor global warming religionist posted yesterday on this nutty idea. He was hammered so badly that he changed the article and headline. But Tim Blair caught him before he made the changes:
Lots of warmist idiots immediately connected the Japanese disaster - which might have killed more than 1000 - to climate change:And we're supposed to give trillions of dollars to these people and put them in charge of energy on the planet? I think I'd rather take my chances with Gaia getting mad at us.So far, today's tsunami has mainly affected Japan - there are reports of up to 300 dead in the coastal city of Sendai - but future tsunamis could strike the U.S. and virtually any other coastal area of the world with equal or greater force, say scientists. In a little-heeded warning issued at a 2009 conference on the subject, experts outlined a range of mechanisms by which climate change could already be causing more earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity.An appropriate response is here.
"When the ice is lost, the earth's crust bounces back up again and that triggers earthquakes, which trigger submarine landslides, which cause tsunamis," Bill McGuire, professor at University College London, told Reuters.
(Via Murph and s_dog)
UPDATE. Don Surber asks, reasonably enough: Are these people mentally ill?
UPDATE II. Warmist Christopher Mims apologises:The intent of this piece isn't to attribute today's tragedy to climate change. Apologies to those whom I misled with the headline.And what was that headline?
Today's tsunami: This is what climate change looks like