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January 12, 2011
Rhode Island Governor Chafee to ban employees from talk radio
Add to Paul Krugman, Clarence Dupnak, Chris Matthews and Sherrod Brown the name, Lincoln Chafee, who joins a growing chorus of stooges building a narrative around the straw-man, talk radio. The governor of Rhode Island, Mr. Chafee will institute a "no talk policy" for state officials, banning them from speaking to radio hosts. A spokesman tells the Providence Journal:
"Talk radio is essentially ratings-driven, for-profit programming and we don't think it appropriate to use taxpayer resources to have state employees use work time to support for-profit, ratings-driven programming."
Get that? It isn't the state's business to aid the private sector so that profits can expand employment and create wealth for Rhode Island. And, of course, no state employee will work on pie-in-the-sky "green" energy projects, right Mr. Chafee? Mr. Chafee?
Greg Halvorson is the founder of Soldiers Without Boots, and hosts Freedom Warrior Radio on Blog Talk Radio.