Ron Paul doesn't disappoint: Stands up for Assange

Well, at least he's consistent. Consistently nutty, that is:

"In a free society we're supposed to know the truth," Paul said. "In a society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble. And now, people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it."

"This whole notion that Assange, who's an Australian, that we want to prosecute him for treason. I mean, aren't they jumping to a wild conclusion?" he added. "This is media, isn't it? I mean, why don't we prosecute The New York Times or anybody that releases this?"

That's the high school freshman's take on the Wikileaks issue which is what we've come to expect from the man who wants to take us back to the gold standard and get rid of the Federal Reserve. When the rest of us grew up, we realized that "truth" was a subjective force, indeed. One man's truth is another's excuse to start a war or put a bullet in someone. Universal truth is especially elusive in foreign affairs where being totally candid is not always the best path to take in order to accomplish a goal.

No doubt Assange's spitting at authority appeals to the juvenile delinquent in Paul. But then, he was never noted for his maturity on the campaign trail as his petulance and whining during the GOP debates made clear.

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