Why Soros gave his $1.8 million NPR grant

The almost two million dollars George Soros gave NPR was carefully targeted, and part of a broader strategy to add to the political power of the Great Puppeteer.

George Soros and his efforts to influence the federal government have elicited much commentary. He is a major funder of the Democratic party, generous donors to Democratic officeholders (including Barack Obama), has an empire of 527 groups (such as MoveOn.Org) at his beck and call. Soros has invested many millions if creating and funding many left-wing think tanks whose employees are often called upon to serve important posts in the Obama administration and can also be relied upon to further his agenda when they are used as "experts" by the media or politicians (who never identify them as beneficiaries of Soros's money).

But Soros's ambitions also extend to the state level. I made mention in a recent column of his involvement in the Secretary of States Project,  funding candidates to these important offices -- the ones charged with ensuring the integrity of the voting process

But George Soros's ambitions are wider, and will be furthered by his recent grant of money to National Public Radio to hire journalists for each state to report on state politics. Will news be shaped and filtered at the state level to promote his agenda? This could be a useful tool to heighten the images of his favored candidates.  What would that agenda encompass, besides promoting careers of politicians who would be in his debt?

Karl Rove recently pointed out that Soros is America's major backer of efforts at the state level to legalize marijuana. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a myriad of issues that are subject to state ballot initiatives, referendums, and the like.  A  majority of states entrust their citizens with the powers of initiative, referendum and recall. Soros's efforts -- and those of his allies, the Sandlers, who fund Pro Publica (another news delivery group) -- can influence public perceptions regarding these state actions. Aside from the active efforts to legalize marijuana, Soros has also been heavily involved in the redistricting battle in California. He is helping to fund efforts to defeat a ballot initiative that would help take redistricting decisions away from partisan Democrats.  George Soros likes gerrymandering that will ensure a Democratic lock throughout California.

There will be  variety of state issues (taxes, redistricting, drug laws) that will be subject to the mischief at the hands of George Soros and his minions in the Democratic Party.
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