A Prelude to Global Governance?

This morning our friends in Great Britain awoke to this frightening headline in the UK Daily Mail, "European police to spy on Britons: Now ministers hand over Big Brother powers to foreign officers." The European Union which has been so wildly successful in economic matters is implementing two new law enforcement policies which will further weaken the sacred and time honored protections of national sovereignty.

The new powers are known as the European Investigation Order (EIO), which is intended as a partner to the highly controversial European Arrest Warrant (EAW).

One of the major concerns about the EAW, to which Britain is signed up, is that it has been used to investigate the most minor misdemeanors, such as "theft of a dessert" in a Polish restaurant.

Now member states want to make it easier to gather evidence on another's soil. The proposal requires an ‘opt in', which means Britain could sit back and play no part in the new regime.


...the powers in the directive are available to prosecutors only. Britons under suspicion will not have any right to demand information from overseas police which could prove their innocence.

Thus far Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Spain have willingly surrendered the sovereign rights of their citizens by embracing the EU's new police powers.

The Tories had been fighting the draconian new powers stating that they demonstrate a "relish for surveillance and disdain for civil liberties," but now appear to have joined with their Lib Dem coalition partners in waving the white flag and surrendering the rights and protections enjoyed by their citizens to the EU.

Once implemented foreign police will have the authority to enter the UK and participate in the arrest of British citizens. In addition.

They will be able to place them under surveillance, bug telephone conversations, monitor band accounts and demand fingerprints, DNA or blood samples.

Anyone who refuses to comply with a formal request for co-operation by a foreign-based force is likely to be arrested by UK officers.

We should all be thankful that such a thing could never happen here, or could it?

Lost among the vast array of dangerous new legislation, regulations and sweeping changes which have been forced upon the American people under the current regime, is a little known Executive Order which was signed by Barack Obama on December 16, 2009. The little known order was quietly released and posted on the White House web site the following day, the brief Executive Order is entitled "AMENDING EXECUTIVE ORDER 12425 DESIGNATING INTERPOL AS A PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ENTITLED TO ENJOY CERTAIN PRIVILAGES, EXEMPTIONS, AND IMMUNITIES."

The Washington Examiner said that Obama's directive could possibly be "the most destructive blow ever struck against American constitutional civil liberties." In dissecting Obama's Executive Order 12425 the Examiner editorial board revealed that.

First, Obama has granted Interpol the ability to operate within the territorial limits of the United States without being subject to the same constitutional restraints that apply to all domestic law enforcement agencies such as the FBI. Second, Obama has exempted Interpol's domestic facilities-including its office within the U.S. Department of Justrice-from search and seizure by U.S. authorities and from disclosure of archived documents in response to Freedom of Information Act requests files by U.S. citizens.

With the stroke of a pen Mr. Obama handed sweeping police powers within American territory to an international organization which will be free to conduct police operations without domestic oversight or accountability.

In the succeeding months Obama's White House has not seen fit to offer up an explanation for this freedom killing directive. Nonetheless we can be fairly certain that the Obama regime and Interpol have begun to quietly implement this poisonous order just waiting for the day when it can be unleashed upon an unsuspecting population.


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