UN Ambassador Susan Rice - another failure

America's Ambassador to the United Nations has been a failure.

Perhaps, Susan Rice should spend less time career-climbing in DC to replace Hillary Clinton (she has been "wildly inattentive" according to the non-partisan The Hill magazine) and more time doing her job.



Rice and the US were AWOL when it came to the vote to allow Libya onto the UN Human Rights Council; was nowhere to be found when Iran was given a seat on the Women's Rights commission; and was AWOL in a Sec Council Resolution that condemned Israel (the first time such as Security Council resolution was not vetoed by America).

She promised to reform the UN Human Rights Council when controversy arose from pro-Israel supporters over our joining the Council-that has not happened either. Now Rice has allowed the Sanctions Resolution regarding Iran to contain a huge loophole: it allows Russia and others to supply Iran with surface to air missiles.

Jennifer Rubin in Commentary:

A draft U.N. resolution that would impose sanctions on Iran, including limits on global arms transfers, will not block the controversial transfer of Russian S-300 missiles to the Iranian military, according to U.S. and Russian officials.

The Obama administration had opposed the S-300 sale because the system is highly effective against aircraft and some missiles. The CIA has said the S-300 missiles, which have been contracted by Tehran but not delivered, will be used to defend Iranian nuclear facilities. . .

Asked about S-300s, a senior State Department official said the draft "would not impose a legally binding obligation not to transfer S-300 to Iran" since the register does not cover defensive missiles.

I think it's clear why the Obama administration agreed to this: Hillary Clinton had to rush a deal through to head off the Brazil-Turkey gambit and had no bargaining leverage with Russia. It seems the Obama foreign-policy team is just stalling for time now - which would make sense if we were furiously assisting the Green Movement. But we aren't.

This will make it far more difficult and deadly for Israel to defend itself against Iran's nuclear program.

Climate change is happening in one place-Washington.

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