Graph of the Day for April 1, 2010

"The red light camera program was introduced to the City in November 2003 and was implemented to reduce speeding and promote safety. The cameras have reduced red-light violations significantly. The City plans to increase the number of cameras within the next few years."  Chicago Department of Revenue.

Frequency of Running a Red Light

Before & After Yellow Light Time Increased

Source:  National Motorists Association.

Hoven's Index for April 1, 2010

Annual revenue from red-light cameras in Chicago:  $59 to $64 million

Minimum yellow light duration suggested by the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices:  3.0 seconds

Chicago's yellow light duration:  3.0 seconds.

Reductions in red-light running when yellow lights were made longer in controlled studies in Texas:

0.6 seconds more yellow:  49%

0.8 seconds more yellow:  70%

1.1 seconds more yellow:  79%

Estimated reduction in red-light-running by making yellow longer than 3 seconds:  50%

Source:  National Motorists Association newsletter and study.

Graph of the Day Archive.
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