Doctor who posted controversial sign a victim of intolerance

Dr. Jack Cassel, the urologist from Florida who recently made headlines with a controversial sign on his office, is under attack in more ways than one.

Because he apparently still has some semblance of legal right to display the sign, the more devious objectors have gone after his reputation., a website where health providers are rated (anonymously, of course), has seen a recent flurry of activity. Cassel has gone from a "Good" rating to a "Poor" rating in a miraculously short amount of time. No doubt his 365 ratings (at the time of writing this article) have something to do with it.

Does that number seem unusual to you? Let's compare.

Another Urologist (listed by the website under "), Dr. John D Thompson, of Taveres, has...1 rating. Dr. James Young, of Eustis (again, suggested by the site), has 2. You will be hard-pressed, in fact, to find any doctor with more than a handful of ratings on the site. That goes double for a small-town practice in Mount Dora. Don't expect bigger numbers from other doctors, though: Doctor Rupert Curry, Orlando-based cardiologist of Best Doctors 2008, with the Florida Heart Group (with a patient volume of "100 per day") has yet to receive a single rating.  

Now considering that, before this incident, Dr. Cassel had merely a handful of ratings, what can we deduce?

Even if Cassel were turning people away for their political beliefs (which he has repeatedly stated that he is not), there are anonymous hordes willing to falsify a survey to sully the reputation of a man they never knew...and they justify it on political beliefs.

These people practice the intolerance they claim to hate.

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